paranoid 1.1

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Some nights were better than others. Certain nights I was able to sleep no problem. Nights like tonight were different.

It's currently 2:30 in the morning. The neon from the the stretch of bars was covering the walls. Usually I'd find the soft pink glow bouncing off the brick soothing, but tonight it was the opposite of that.

Overthinking was a power of mine. I was able to find any flaw, in any situation. I'm well aware that living like that isn't healthy.

I pulled my comforter off of myself and grabbed my pack of cigarettes. I walked out to the balcony and lit one up.

It was hard to believe that in a week, Austin Post would be singing about being a paranoid man right under where I was currently sitting.  At least it wouldn't just be me with my paranoid thoughts.

Ivory hated when I got lost in my head. She did everything in her power to bring me out of the cloudy state I'd find myself in. Her and Bennett accepted me as one of their siblings. They both had a constant eye out for me, even if Bennett was only 19 he treated me as a little sister.

They both had been there to see the relationship that tore me to pieces when I was 20. Aiken Trivett was the one who ruined love for me.

I met Aiken at a wedding one day. He happened to be in the wedding party. A gray suit and a bow tie can get to a girl sometimes. He saw that I was struggling with lugging around all of my equipment, and offered to help.

He was charming right out of the gate.

The dusty blonde hair with golden brown eyes were trance inducing. During the reception he casually brought me a drink, even after I explained that I was just there for a job and shouldn't be taking advantage of the wedding.

Some how he convinced me to slow dance with him as well. His six foot stature meshed perfectly with my 5'4 stance. It was a feeling of hope I hadn't experienced before. Before the end of the night I was packing all of my equipment back up. He had offered to help lug it back to my car.

Once at the car, he pleaded for my number. I couldn't say no to his charm. There was something so special about him. Something special that would lead to me hating him.

I put my cigarette out and wandered back into the apartment. The late night thoughts of Aiken weren't as frequent as they once were.

He had been my rock for a year and a half. He learned the ins and outs of my anxious thoughts. He almost knew me better than Ivory. Aiken was the one that found this apartment for me. He loved that it was on the main stretch and that there was a constant vintage glow of the neon.

After scrolling through past Snapchat memories that I had never deleted, I figured it was time to try and attempt to get some sleep

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After scrolling through past Snapchat memories that I had never deleted, I figured it was time to try and attempt to get some sleep. I've been doing so much better than I had in the past. I refused to let Aiken carry me down to that scary stretch again.

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