jonestown 5.3

118 6 0

A/N: Thank you for 4K readsss. No update last week because I was editing pictures from a senior session I shot, so my b my dudes.

"Austin Richard if you don't get up I swear to god." I grumbled.

Ivory's flight landed in a hour and Austin was still cocooned under the blankets while holding Enchi hostage.

"She devil can take an Uber." Austin mumbled.

"Absolutely not. Get up so we can stop for coffee on the way." I said while tugging at the blankets.

"I'll get up if you promise to make chicken parm for dinner." Austin said.

"Fine, now get up." I said while rolling my eyes.

Austin tossed the blankets off of himself and he slowly made his way to the bathroom. I grabbed a hoodie and pair of sweatpants out of his closet and tossed them in the bathroom after him.

"Thank you." Austin mumbled while brushing his teeth.

I curled up on a chair in the corner of our bedroom and waited for Austin to finish getting ready. I scrolled through my phone to double check that Ivory's flight was still on time, and luckily it was.

I heard the bathroom door open and Austin walked out in his matching black hoodie and sweatpants, but a black had accompanied the look. He made the simplest outfits look high end.

"We better get going I guess." Austin said with a sigh.

"Are you feeling alright, Aust?" I said with concern.

"Yeah, I was just up late writing last night. An idea popped into my head after you went to bed and I was in the music room until five. So I'm running on three hours of sleep right now." Austin said.

I frowned at him. I wouldn't have kicked him out of bed if I had known that.

"You should've said something, I would've gone by myself." I pouted.

"It's no big deal. I'm up now and I shouldn't sleep the day away. The monster that you call your best friend probably would have woken me up when you guys got back anyway. Plus I don't want you driving in the slushy mess outside." Austin said.

"I guess you're right. Let's get you some coffee and a breakfast sandwich then. I owe you that much at least." I said.

Austin grabbed my hand and led out down the stairs to the front door. He grabbed out jackets out of the closet while I harnessed Enchi up. I knew he'd be excited to see Auntie Ivory again.

"Let me help you my love." Austin said while holding up my jacket.

I shoved my arms into the sleeves and Austin rearranged the jacket so it was sitting properly on my shoulders. He zipped the zipper up to my chin and he placed a light kiss to the top of my nose.

"Let's boogie my baby." Austin said with a smile.

I followed him out to the garage and he popped the passenger door to the Raptor open for me. He took Enchi from my arms so I could climb up into the truck. Once I was situated he placed Enchi into my lap. He ran off to his side and got in himself.

"Starbucks right?" Austin asked.

"Yes sir." I replied.

Austin turned off onto the main road and drove towards to closest Starbucks. The closest Starbucks had gotten used to Austin randomly rolling through the drive thru so luckily we weren't stopped for pictures and lengthy conversations. Austin would always comply to his fans, but them knowing him made him feel more normal.

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