too young 4.4

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Ivory dropped off the puppy a few hours ago, and what the hell did I get myself into.

The nameless frenchie decided that everything I owned was a perfect chew toy, including the ends of my hair. As I was on the floor packing boxes, he would tug the ends of my ponytail with his little demon teeth.

He was cute, but a fucking shit. Kinda sounds like my husband, they would get along swimmingly.

I had made a reasonable dent in packing everything. I was quickly running out of daylight and packing tape. I pushed the box I was working on away with a sigh.

I needed a break for my sanity. I scooped up the small dog and plopped down onto the couch. It was close to show time for Austin so I figured I'd FaceTime him quickly.

His contact picture popped up as the request rang in the background. I couldn't wait to be with him in person tomorrow.

"Show me the fucking puppy." Austin quickly said into the phone.

I giggled and propped up my phone on the coffee table in front of me. I scooped up the puppy who had wandered off to the other end of the couch.

"Meet your baby." I said while presenting the puppy to him.

"That is the cutest goddamn dog. I'm going to snuggle the shit out of them as soon as you guys get here tomorrow." Austin gushed.

"We need a name. I need to stop calling him little shit. He's going to take to that name and we don't need to explain why we call him that." I sighed.

"Enchilada." Austin blurted out.

"You can't be serious." I sighed.

"Enchi for short!" Austin said excitedly.

"Why do I low key love that. It's fucking weird, but it's extremely fitting." I smiled.

"Enchi boyyyyy!" Austin said excitedly.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow." I sighed.

"I can't wait either, baby. I can't wait to have a first taste of parenthood." Austin beamed.

"When Enchi is up in the middle of the night crying because of crate training, you'll be regretting those words." I said.

"Our boy is sleeping in the bed, so I don't know what you're talking about." Austin huffed.

"You're going to be that tattooed, scary guy toting around a lap dog while baby talking to it." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Damn right I will. Little dude is doing mic check with me from now on." Austin beamed.

"You're literally the cutest, you know that?" I gushed at him.

"Just wait until I have a little Livy strapped to me in one of those weird ass carriers. We'll really be cute a hell." Austin smiled.

"I hope you know how hard it is to be a girl dad. You're not going to be able to relax for eighteen plus years." I giggled.

"I don't have time to relax at the moment anyway, so it's meant to be." Austin said.

"You're going to relax during this break, even if I have to shove you into the hot tub." I said sternly.

"I'm fucking tired, sunshine. It's going to be you, Enchi, and I all cuddled up the whole time. I don't even want to think about music." Austin sighed.

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