livin it up 5.4

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A/N: this is me officially demanding the release date for PM4. Thank you for attending my TED Talk.

"So what does Austin's dick look like?"

"Ivory, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I sighed.

"That's for my therapist to know and for you to speculate about." Ivory said.

I rolled my eyes at her random question. She had been asking random questions like that all afternoon just to irritate the shit out of me.

"You know who's extremely attractive?" Ivory asked.

"Who?" I replied shortly.

"Colby Brock." Ivory gushed.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I questioned.

"Yes, doesn't mean I can't admire other tattooed, ring wearing, blue eyed boys." Ivory shrugged.

I quickly pulled up Colby's Instagram and scrolled through his feed. It had been a hot minute since I had seen any of his posts. He was still as edgy, but adorable looking.

"Well, he is a cutie." I casually said.

"Aren't you married?" Ivory teased.

"Doesn't mean I can't admire." I said using her words against her.

"Who are you admiring?" Austin asked while walking into the living room.

"Youtubers." Ivory replied.

"For fucks sake." Austin groaned.

"You'll always be my favorite beautuber turned unboxer." I said while placing a kiss to his cheek.

"Damn right I will be." Austin grumbled.

"I think you should quit the whole singing thing and we'll just start a family vlog channel." I joked.

"I'm literally so down for that. Whaaaaat is up YouTube, it's your boy Posty69. We're here with another unboxing." Austin shouted.

"Is it too late to ask for a divorce?" I said with a straight face.

"No can do, shortcake. You're stuck with me, vlog channel and all." Austin said with a smile.

"And you say I'm the one with problems." Ivory mumbled.

"Oh there's no denying that you still have problems." Austin said.

Ivory slowly raised her middle finger up towards Austin and then went back to scrolling through her phone.

"I'm honestly surprised that paranormal channels don't try to collab with you. The Ghost Adventures episode was iconic." I said.

"I haven't had time to do anything lately. I'm not opposed to the idea, but it's just the matter of having time." Austin said.

Austin quickly scooped me up and placed me in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist. His head snuggled into my chest and he let out a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think somebody promised me chicken parm and I'm a little hungry." Austin mumbled.

"I suppose somebody did. You'll have to let go of me then." I sighed.

"No." Austin whined.

"I'm going to start dinner if you wanted to join me in the kitchen, Ive." I said.

As on cue Ivory's phone began to ring with a FaceTime request from Smitty.

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