merch (requested)

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"Demi? Demi? Baby, wake up," you whispered in your girlfriend's ear as you brushed your fingers through her short hair and kissed her lips and cheeks.

She didn't seem all that thrilled about waking up. But when she saw you lying on top of her and felt the kisses you were peppering along her face, she seemed a little happier.

However, the smile that once tugged at her lips faded when she went to run her hand along your body and felt the fabric of your jeans against the tips of her fingers.

"Why are you dressed?" She pouted.

"I have to go take on a shift for a few hours. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

Doubtful, she thought.

She wasn't upset or anything, but now that you live together she knows she'll miss you more than ever. Your house is quite spacious, although cozy and warm. It's the perfect home for you to settle down together when the time is right. To adopt a few animals, maybe even grow a little family of your own someday.

You've spent the weekend unpacking. It was a lot of work, but together you got it done. Well... almost done. There was one box left across the room. You planned to unpack it today, but then work called.

"Okay. While you're gone I'll unpack that box for you." She offered, only for you to have the complete opposite reaction she thought you'd have.


She quirked her eyebrow in confusion.

"Don't worry about that, baby. It's no big deal. I'll do it when I get home."

She didn't even get the chance to ask you what was inside the box and why you were so against her going through it. Because you were pulling her in for a kiss and heading for the day.

"I really have to go or I'll be late. I'll get that box later. Love you! Have a good day!" You said before running out the door.

Demi sighed and got out of bed to brush her teeth and feed the dogs before she made her way back up to the bedroom with a mug of coffee in her hands. She tried to turn on something good to watch, something to occupy herself and help the hours pass faster.

But she kept looking over at that box across the room. She couldn't help but be curious about it. She tried to ignore the urge to take a peek but she couldn't seem to get her mind off of it.

So she got out of bed and made her way to the box. She lifted it up and carried it over to the bed, where she cut the tape you covered it with and ripped the top off in a hurry. She peeked inside and what she saw caused her to smile from ear to ear.

She took the contents out one by one. Posters, photos, shirts, sweaters, hoodies, bracelets, and old albums that were all of her were inside. It was your box of merch and she couldn't help but wonder why you'd ever hide it from her.

It was so sweet that you got all these things. Some of this merch were from old eras, like here we go again and unbroken. You kept it all. You kept every single thing you'd ever gotten of her.

She eagerly waited for you to arrive home. She didn't even bother putting the stuff back inside and pretend like she didn't see what was inside. She was much too happy, finding it absolutely adorable.

And time seemed to drag by, but you walked through the front door and called her name just a few hours later. She didn't say a word. She knew you'd come up to the bedroom to look for her first.

She heard your footsteps on the stairs and you stood in the doorway a moment later.

"There you are! I was looking for you-" you stopped speaking when you saw all of your merch around her. "Demi," you whined. "I told you not to go through it."

"Okay, but if I didn't, I would've never found any of this."

"That was the whole point, babe." You said and she rolled her eyes before reaching out for your hand. You let her take it and drag you over to the bed while you refused to look at her. Your cheeks were red and she found it oh so cute.

"You had all of this the whole time?"

"Yeah." You answered and finally looked up at her. "You've been an important part of my life for a while. I just never let you see or let you know because I didn't want you to think differently of me."

She scoffed and shook her head.

"That could never happen. Come on, you know me, princess. I find this to be absolutely adorable. I mean, look how long you've been loyal to me. You were hardcore and I find that to be really sweet."

You smiled as she leaned in to lay a little kiss on your cheek.

"Well, I have loved you for the longest time. Getting to know you, to see a whole different side of you, and fall in love with you has only made me happier. You've always made me happy, though. You made things better. You always do."

She was grinning from ear to ear as she leaned in and kissed your lips.

"Well, I might have some more merch for you to put in that box soon. If you want to just make it a box of memories, we'll add more merch, maybe some photos of us together."

"That sounds wonderful." You answered and she kissed you again.

"I love you." She said and fell back onto the bed, bringing you on top of her as she put her arms tight around you, finding herself falling even more in love with you.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now