change of plans (requested)

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Going out with Demi in public spaces could always be an overwhelming thing. Between paparazzi and fans, you tend to get bombarded easily. But now that you're pregnant things are even scarier for you and Demi.

No one knows about your pregnancy yet. You and Demi plan to tell everyone soon, but there hasn't been a time that's felt right yet. You're starting to show now, your bump becoming quite noticeable. You threw on one of your baggy shirts to go out today but it was still showing a little. You only planned to grab a few things for a party you'd be throwing to announce your pregnancy to your family and friends.

You strolled out of the store. Demi's hand was tightly intertwined with yours. You were both laughing and cooing about the tiny baby things you saw in the store and how tiny they all were when you heard the yells of your names and the paparazzi approached you.

"Stay close to me," Demi whispered in your ear and wrapped her arm around your side, tugging you closer as you both put your heads down and tried to walk to the car as quickly as possible.

"Y/n! Looks like you have a little bump. Are you pregnant?" One yelled as they pushed the camera closer to capture pictures of your bump. "Demi?"

She squeezed your side gently. "It's alright, princess. We're almost to the car. I've got you, just ignore them."

That was a lot easier said than done, especially now that you have another life to worry about. But you felt comforted with Demi there. You knew she'd keep you both safe.

The photos had spread like wildfire.

When you got home just about twenty minutes later, safe from the prying eyes in the comfort of your shared home, your phone rang. "Who is it, baby girl?" Demi wondered as she looked through the fridge for something to make you both to eat. "My mom."

You answered it with a smile on your face, one that quickly vanished. "Hey, mom-"

"You're pregnant?!" She asked excitedly. Your eyes went wide and you looked at Demi who frowned at you. "What are you talking about?" You nervously chuckled.

"The photos! Honey, the paparazzi photos of you and Demi have already circulated on social media! Your aunt sent me a photo, just as curious as your dad and I are right now. We saw the bump, y/n! Are you really pregnant?"

You looked at Demi and nodded as you bit down on your lip. She came over and rubbed your shoulder. "Tell her, baby. It's okay." You took a deep breath before answering your mom. "Yeah. Yeah, mom, I'm pregnant! I'm about four months and two weeks along."

You heard your mom scream followed by your dad's voice on the phone. "Congratulations, sweetie! We're so excited for you and Demi!" You laughed tearfully and laid your head on Demi's shoulder.

You talked for a few more minutes before they hung up. "Well, I guess the plan is ruined." Demi pressed a small kiss to your lips. "Not completely. My parents haven't called yet neither have our friends." You sighed as she began to move her hand across your bump. Her phone rang so she reached across the counter and grabbed it. "Shit. I spoke too soon. It's my mom."

She answered it and put it on speakerphone. "Let me guess mom. You saw the photos?"

Dianna screamed excitedly. "Yes! We all have! Your sisters, your dad, we've all seen them! Is it true, sweetheart? Is y/n really pregnant?" Demi gazed into your eyes, seeing the tears behind them. She couldn't tell if they were happy or sad, or a mix of both. But you gave her a nod of your head, so she told them.

"Yeah. We're having a baby!" Demi squealed, the happiness and excitement in her voice evident. She's been so excited about this moment. Although you had a different way of telling everyone, you were both overjoyed to finally share the news, especially since you're nearing five months soon.

You heard Dianna start to cry and that's when the dam burst for you. You laid your head on Demi's shoulder, crying a few tears of joy. "Hey, mom, let me call you back in a few, okay?"

"Okay, honey! Congrats to you and y/n! We love you both and we're over the moon for you!" Demi laughed and ended the call before wrapping you in her arms. "I feel like a huge weight was just lifted from my shoulders, yet I'm a little sad at the same time." You confessed.

"Me too. I know we had things planned to go a certain way but maybe this isn't so bad. I'm happy we have things out in the open with our families now." You nodded, jumping when both of your phones began to ring.

You groaned at the thought of talking to more people about this right now. You wanted time with Demi, time to really let it all sink in and decide where to go next.

"Okay, that's enough with the phone calls for now. We can call them back later if they're important but for now, we need some serious cuddle time." You giggled and walked upstairs with Demi, leaving your phones behind.

You climbed into bed and cuddled up to each other. She started to move her hand across your growing bump. "Can you imagine how crazy social media is right now?" You asked jokingly yet seriously. Demi sighed, laying her head down on yours before planting a bunch of kisses against it. "I'm not worried about that. I know that my fans will be supportive like they always are. But right now I'm just worried about you and the baby. Stress isn't good for either of you. Whatever else we have to do, we'll take care of it later on down the line. Right now I just wanna cuddle you both."

"We love you." You smiled, tilting your head up so she could give you a kiss, which she happily did. "I love you both so much, more than you'll ever know."

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now