waking her up with kisses

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You love these mornings.

The mornings where neither of you has anywhere to be or anything to do. You had no reason to hurry out of bed or wake up early like most mornings. It means whoever wakes up first gets to marvel in the sight of the other as they sleep.

Today, that happened to be you.

Your eyes opened to find that it was grey and wet outside; rain was falling, the pitter-patter on the roof was actually soothing even if it was a little loud. You rolled over to find Demi laying next to you on her side.

She was still sleeping soundly. Her chest was rising and falling steadily, little snores fell from her slightly chapped lips, and she looked so adorable it made your heart swell.

You brushed a stray hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. You didn't wanna wake her but it was hard to stop yourself from giving her the love and affection she so deserved. You brushed your lips gently across her forehead and then started to kiss all over her face.

She stirred, a small smile appearing on her face as she was slowly pulled out of her sleep. You liked knowing she was waking up to kisses, it was a sweet way to wake her up and one she definitely deserved.

You heard her giggle as she stretched out her legs. She let out a contentful sigh. Her tongue slipped out to wet them down since they were chapped before a smile pulled them up. "Good morning, baby girl."

The pet name always makes your heart flutter. You love the way she says it, you love how it sounds falling from her lips. "Good morning to you too, baby. How are you feeling?" You kissed the corner of her lips. "Perfect. This is the best way I've woken up in so long. So much better than my annoying alarm clock."

You both giggled before you kissed her softly, pulling away to kiss across her face. She wrinkled her nose up as you kissed the tip of it. "You're so cute." You smiled and laid your head down on her chest, looking up at her as you kissed her collarbone softly. "I'll have to wake you up like this more often."

Demi nodded. She was still so tired but she definitely didn't wanna fall back asleep quite yet. She put her arm around your back and pulled you closer. "I'd absolutely love that." She said and kissed your forehead, looking forward to spending the entire day with you.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now