keep me safe, keep me warm (requested)

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Demi paced around the living room with her phone against her ear. She groaned rather loudly and pulled at her hair when she reached your voicemail for the tenth time.

You're late and she's angry and worried. She didn't know what to do and she didn't know where you even were. you've always called her if you were gonna be late. But not this time. Not a single phone call or even a text.

She was gonna call you once more when the front door suddenly swung open.

She had a few words of anger on the tip of her tongue, but they all disappeared when she saw the state you were in. You were cut and bruised. You were holding your wrist in your hand and you had a bunch of scrapes and bruises all over you. "What happened to you?"

She raced over to you and cupped one of your bruised cheeks in her hand. "Some fans. They recognized me and-"

She didn't even wanna hear the rest. She knew she'd lose it if she did. "I'm so sorry, baby girl. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She heard you sniffle and she led you up to the bathroom. She had you sit on the toilet seat as she started the shower.

She helped you out of your dirty and ripped clothes before she stepped out of her own. She held you up in the shower as the warm water hit your skin. The running water allowed you both to let your tears fall because they were easily masked by the water.

"I'm sorry you're hurt, princess. You look terrible. Do you need me to take you to the hospital?" You shook your head weakly and leaned back against her shoulder. "I just wanna get into my pajamas and lay down, Demi."

It was heartbreaking. It hurt her to see you so hurt. To know that people who supposedly had the audacity to be a 'fan' of her yet do this to you, to the person she loved and cared about the most, was a hard pill for her to swallow.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and reached for the loofah to help you clean up. you winced when it touched your obviously sprained wrist. "I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry," Demi muttered and kissed behind your ear as she pulled your wet hair back.

She held you as she washed you up before turning the water off and stepping out. She quickly wrapped a towel around herself before she carefully helped you step out and gently wrapped one around you too.

She dried you off and was extra careful not to touch your wrist. She then went to the bathroom to grab your favorite fluffy pajamas and helped you get changed into them before she got dressed too.

She grabbed the first aid kit and took your hand to lead you down to the couch. "Wanna tell me what happened?" She asked as she wiped the first gash on your forehead causing you to wince and squeeze her other hand she held out for you.


You heard her let out a heavy sigh. She wanted you to open up to her. But she wouldn't push you to. You whimpered when she started to clean up the cut near your wrist. "I'm sorry baby girl. I'm almost done, I promise." She muttered as she concentrated on cleaning everything up and covering the wounds that looked the worst.

She closed the first aid kit when she was done and threw all of the wrappers and bloody cotton balls away. She pulled her lip between her teeth, tugging at the skin as a feeling of guilt overwhelmed her. "Things have been bad online, haven't they?"

You nodded hesitantly. "Why didn't you tell me? I would've come along with you to make sure you were safe and protected." You gave her hand a squeeze. "There's nothing you could've done, Demi. It was more than one person. Besides, I'll be okay. I'd rather just drop it and forget it."

Easier said than done.

No. Demi wouldn't be forgetting this. Maybe for your sake, she'll drop the topic, for now. But there was no way she was forgetting this. The image of you bloody and beat was forever engraved into her brain. She couldn't forget it even if she tried.

"Fine. What can I do for you? To help you? To make you feel better?"

You put your head on her shoulder. "You could give me lots of cuddles and love while we watch a movie together."

She didn't feel like that would be enough. But hey, if it would cheer you up she was all for it.

She handed you the remote to turn on whatever you wanted to watch as she grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over you both.

She carefully pulled you closer to her. "I love you more than you'll ever know, y/n. I know you don't feel like opening up about what happened right now. But if you change your mind, please come to me. I'll listen and I won't judge. I just want you to be safe. I want you to know that I'm here for you and I care so deeply for you. Okay?"

You yawned. "Okay. Thank you, Demi." You mumbled sleepily.

Even though you still felt anxious and sore, you also felt safe with Demi by your side.

You'd talk to her about it in the morning for sure. But all you wanted in that moment was for her to hold you close and keep you safe and warm. And you knew she'd do just that.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now