I knew you'd make it through (requested)

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You woke up feeling a little sick just like you have every day for the past week. You had work to do though so you had to get up anyway. You looked over at Demi laying next to you. You frowned, noticing that she was a little pale and sweaty. You put the back of your hand on her forehead and felt that she most definitely had a fever.

You knew you couldn't miss work today. You had a few important meetings so you had no choice but to go in, so you called Madison instead. You told her that Demi had a fever and she seemed to be pretty sick and you couldn't stay home to take care of her, and she and Dallas headed over right away.

You tried to hide the sick feeling in your stomach as you brushed your teeth and when you finished you went back into the bedroom to get dressed for the day.

You saw Demi sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. You put your hand on her back and she looked up at you. Her brown eyes didn't sparkle the way they usually do and you could tell she felt sick. "Hey, baby. I know you've got a fever and you're feeling a little under the weather so Dallas and Madison are gonna come over to take care of you while I go to work." Demi nodded, understanding that you had obligations you couldn't get out of so her sisters would have to suffice. You gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading off to work for the day.

A couple of hours later and Demi was laying on the couch covered up in a blanket. Madison was checking on her fever once more and she was relieved to feel that it was finally going down a little, but Demi still looked super sick and so she and Dallas decided it'd be a good idea to take her to the hospital, just to be on the safe side.

When they got there they were told to wait out in the waiting room for a few minutes. Everything was quiet for a few minutes until an ambulance arrived and a few paramedics rushed in with somebody on a stretcher. A doctor and a couple of nurses ran out to help. Demi's heart dropped when she heard something come out from one of the paramedic's mouths. "An accident victim. The name is y/n y/l/n." Demi looked at Dallas and Madison who's heads shot up when they heard the paramedic.

Demi ran to the stretcher. The doctor was about to say something to her when she looked at them with tears falling from her eyes. "This is my girlfriend." Demi sobbed. She ran her hand across your bloody face. You were covered in blood, clearly cut up pretty badly from the accident. "Baby girl...?" She was crying and she heard the paramedics say something that she couldn't quite catch before Madison and Dallas had to physically pull her away from you so they could get you to intensive care.

She watched them rush down the hall before they disappeared out of sight. Demi would've fallen to her knees if it weren't for her sisters being there to catch her and hold her up. "It's okay, demi. We've got you." Dallas said as a nurse opened the door and had Demi sit in a wheelchair as they pushed her back to the intensive care, the same place you were going. They would've let her walk but she was in shock and they didn't think she could make it back there without a wheelchair.

They helped her on to the bed and Demi's eyes went wide when she noticed that you were right across from her. They had accidentally left the curtain open and she could see you laying on a bed now with an oxygen mask on your face. "M-My girlfriend. Is she okay?" Demi stuttered.

The nurse looked across and saw the doctors working on you, her heart sinking at what she saw. "I'm sorry. It seems as though your girlfriend went into cardiac arrest." Demi's eyes went wide and she felt as though her heart had stopped. "But they're working on her. The doctor won't let her go, not like this. You gotta be strong for her, okay? Now let's get you checked out."

She felt Madison squeeze her shoulder. Everything went over her head. It felt like she couldn't breathe. She was heartbroken. The curtain slid closed and that broke her; she couldn't see what was happening now and she felt like it was only a matter of time until she got that horrible news.

Until she heard someone yell something she never imagined she'd be so happy to hear. "Got a pulse!" Demi, Dallas, and Madison all sighed in relief. The nurse smiled at Demi and rubbed her back soothingly. "Told you. Your girlfriend is in really great hands."

Demi had gotten diagnosed with pneumonia, but that wasn't the bad news she ended up getting. "Your girlfriend isn't waking up. She was hurt pretty bad. She's got a couple of broken ribs, a broken leg, her heart gave us some trouble but seems like it's doing wonderfully now. We just... don't know when she's gonna wake up, and we have to prepare ourselves for the possibility that... she might not ever wake up." Demi broke. She sobbed so loud that it echoed across the room. How was she supposed to handle this? She could've never prepared herself for something like this. She couldn't lose you.

Demi couldn't cope with the possibility of losing you. It got to the point where she would sneak out of her bed and across the hall to yours. She'd sit next to you on the uncomfortable hospital bed and grip your hand for dear life, only for a nurse or one of her sisters to come looking for her, eventually knowing exactly where she was when they couldn't find her in bed.

They ended up leaving both of your curtains open. Demi didn't sleep much. She would stay awake, staring at you as she cried and prayed that she wouldn't lose you. Three weeks went by and she was better, but she refused to leave the hospital. She ended up staying in your room with you. She'd stay with you all day every day. She'd only get up to wash up or use the bathroom, but otherwise, she was glued to that chair with your hand intertwined with hers.

She'd speak to you. Of course, she'd cry while she did so, but that never stopped her. She'd beg and pray for you to hang in there for her, for you to come back. "There's no me without you. I need you here. I can't do this without you. None of this seems worthwhile without you by my side. I need you here,  y/n. I can't do this alone, please come back to me. I love you so much."

It was hard to deny that every day, people were losing hope. Not her though. She had faith that you'd wake up. Eventually. She kept telling herself to ignore everything people said, all the doubts and concerns they'd voice that left Demi wishing they'd just hush up.

Demi knows you better than anyone. She knows you're strong and determined. She knows that you never give up and once you set your mind to something, that's it. There was no stopping you. So she knew that you'd fight through this. She just knew.

It was a week later when demi woke up to the feeling of something brushing her palm. It tickled. It felt like a finger, running across her hand. She went to subconsciously push it away when her eyes shot open, and that's when she saw you.

You were wide awake, rubbing your eyes as you yawned. "Y/n?" She whimpered. She felt like she was dreaming. But then you looked at her, you smiled at her and you squeezed her hand and she knew that she wasn't dreaming. "You're okay! Oh thank god, you're okay." She cried as she let go of your hand and pulled back the curtain, yelling out for the doctor who came running.

He was smiling when he saw you. "Y/n. I'm so happy to see that you're awake!" you were slightly confused though. You looked around the hospital room and you didn't understand why you were there. "W-Why am I here?" The doctor frowned and sat on the edge of the hospital bed. "You were in an accident. Do you remember that...? He asked hopefully, praying that you hadn't gone from one major problem to another.

Everything suddenly came back to you though. The accident. The driver who was on their cell phone and hadn't been looking at you. You remembered the pain, the slight drifting in and out of consciousness when the paramedics had arrived and were trying to get you to stay awake.

You felt the pain from out of nowhere. In your ribs, in your leg, slightly in your left ankle too. "Yeah." The doctor was happy with your response while Demi was absolutely thrilled. She grabbed your hand and pulled it up to her lips so she could press many kisses to it. "I was feeling kinda sick that day."

The doctor nodded his head. "Yeah, it looks as though you had a fever when you were brought in. It was high. Aside from the obvious reasons as to why, it could've been one of the reasons you couldn't stay conscious." He smiled and patted your shoulder softly. "You're a tough cookie. Let's see when we can get you released, hmm?" He said, smiling at you and Demi before exiting the room.

"You okay princess? Are you hurting?" You shook your head and smiled as she kissed your forehead. "I'm so relieved and so so happy that you're okay." She said smiling at you before leaning in to kiss your lips. "I love you so much." She kissed you once more, her lips lingering on yours for a second before she pulled away completely. "I love you too."

She moved a strand of hair behind your ear and began to sing to you. "My strong girl. I just knew you'd make it through."

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now