i'm gonna love you through it (requested)

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Possible trigger warning - mentions of drugs.
You stood in the kitchen when you felt Demi's hand on your back. "Y/n we need to talk." She didn't let you respond, she just grabbed your hand and led you to the living room. "I know..." Your heart started to race but you tried to act cool. "Know what?" Demi sighed and licked her chapped lips, trying to fight her tears that were quickly gathering in her eyes.

She pulled the small bag from her back pocket and you hung your head when you saw it in between her fingers. "How long have you been doing drugs for?" You didn't know what to say. You were dumbfounded that she even found them considering you always hide them in places she would never stumble upon, or so you thought. "y/n talk to me."

You felt tears stinging your eyes, fear and anxiety making your hands shake as your heart sunk lower and lower in your chest. "A while now. Please don't be mad at me. Please don't leave me. I'm sorry Demi, i'm so sorry." Demi pulled you in her arms and wrapped her arms around you. You felt little drops of water hit your head. You know she's crying, and it's only making you feel worse.

"It's not your fault" was all she said, but you couldn't believe her. "Princess listen to me. You never left my side or judged me when I struggled, do you really think i'd judge you? Do you really think i'd stop loving you because you made a mistake?" You shook your head and let her wipe away your tears. "Exactly. Baby girl, I love you so much, more than words can say. I'm gonna love you through this, okay? We're gonna get you some help and get you feeling like yourself again."

It was hard to accept because you felt ashamed. You felt embarrassed, but you need help, you deserve help, and you want help. "I'll be by your side through it all baby girl. I'll be here to help you when you fall and i'll be here to remind you that you can get better. I believe in you. You just made a mistake princess, a little lapse in judgement, but we can get you feeling good again. You want that, right?" You smiled at Demi for the first time in a while, and she couldn't help but smile right back at you. "Yeah. I do. I wanna get better."

Demi pulled you to her chest and rubbed your back, scattering kisses across your head as ou giggled a little. "We'll get through this together baby. You're not gonna do this alone, i'd never let that happen. I'll be right by your side every step of the way."

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now