tummy aches (requested)

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You bit your lip to keep yourself from yelling out in pain as you bent down to put your shoes on.

Your stomach has been hurting all day. But tonight is your date night with Demi and after she's been so caught up with work lately, you don't want her to feel bad.

She came downstairs with a smile on her face, but it fell when she noticed how pale you looked. "Princess, are you feeling alright?" She put her hand on your forehead, feeling around for a fever. You weren't exactly feverish but you did feel a little warm, and that was enough for her to worry.

"No, no. I feel fine. Why?" She looked into your eyes, her soft brown orbs searching for any hint of discomfort or pain. "You sure? You feel a little warm and you're pale." You shrugged your shoulders and stood up. "I'm fine, I promise." You took her hand and stood up. "You ready to go?"

She sighed, knowing you weren't being entirely truthful, but she grabbed her jacket anyway.

Standing in line waiting for a ticket was brutal. Your pain was only getting worse and all you wanted to do was sit down. So as soon as Demi grabbed your tickets you let her grab whatever she wanted while you went to sit down in the theatre to wait for her.

Demi decided against getting anything and sat next to you just a few minutes later. Her hand was on your thigh, tracing soothing circles along your skin as she stared at you worryingly. "You sure you're okay? I'm worried about you."

You couldn't help but smile, your heart full from how much she truly cares about you. But still, after not getting much time together lately you didn't wanna ruin this evening.

"I'm okay, no need to worry." You kissed her cheek and put your head on her shoulder as the movie started.

But it didn't take long for the pain to get worse. It was getting more and more intense as time went on, so much so that you couldn't really even focus on the movie over the pain and discomfort you felt.

You shifted in your seat and winced out in pain, the sound going right to Demi's ears. "What? What is it?" You shook your head and tried to play it off but you had to admit that the pain was too strong to hide it from her any longer.

Tears were in your eyes as your resolve broke and you gripped Demi's hand. "My stomach hurts." She sat forward and put her other hand on your back. "Why didn't you tell me?" Your bottom lip quivered. "I didn't wanna ruin this night. You've been so busy lately..."

She sighed and crouched down in front of you. "Come on, put your arms around my neck." She whispered and you did as she said, feeling her stand up with you in her arms as she carried you out of the theatre, knowing you were too sore to be walking.

She helped you sit in the car and buckled you up before she got in the driver's seat. "I'm sorry," you whimpered and she looked at you, seeing the tears falling from your eyes broke her heart. "No, c'mon, no tears now. It's alright. We can just go home and cuddle for a while, that sound okay?"

She wiped your tears away and you smiled a little. She pecked your cheek softly before turning back in her seat and starting to drive you home.

You ended up falling asleep on the way home but you woke up when you felt Demi put her hand on your shoulder. "Hey, baby girl. We're home. Think you can walk?" You got out of the car and Demi followed behind you, quickly unlocking the door and helping you inside and up the stairs to bed.

"I'm sorry again," Demi rolled her eyes at you and helped you out of your clothes and into one of her hoodies. "Stop saying that. It's fine. I would've never asked you to come if I knew you were sick, anyways." She grabbed the remote and turned on your favorite show before laying next to you and letting you curl up to her.

"Need anything?" You bit your lip as she started to stroke your hair. "Can you rub my stomach?" She grinned and slipped her hand under the hoodie, rubbing soothing circles across your warm skin. You hummed as the pain eased just a little, but it was just enough to let you relax a little.

You closed your eyes and felt Demi kiss your forehead. "Get some rest. I'm right here if you need anything." You nodded sleepily and told her that you loved her before falling asleep.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat