she hits you - part two (requested)

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Demi didn't get any sleep that night and truth be told she didn't think you did either.

She tried to get you to open the bedroom door but you wouldn't unlock it, and Demi didn't blame you. She eventually gave up on you letting her in the bedroom. Part of her hoping that if she came downstairs and let you have your space, maybe things would somehow be okay.

So she paced the kitchen and living room for hours. Just like you'd done just a few hours before. She prayed harder than she ever did before, begging for another chance and hoping that things would somehow be okay.

She cried. A lot. It took her several hours to stop crying and when she did she felt anxious and afraid. She's made a few mistakes in your relationship before but nothing to this extent. There was no chance in hell you'd ever forgive her. That's what she feared. But she also tried to understand the feelings she expected you to have; you've trusted her from the moment you met. You rely on her to make you feel safe, and Demi knew she betrayed that trust and safety, and she has no one but to blame but herself. And it took everything in her to accept the most probable outcome; that you'd walk away. It took her a while to come to terms with that, but eventually she realized that if that's what you really need, she'd let you in a heartbeat, if it made you feel safer.

She heard footsteps on the stairs. It pulled her out of her daze from where she sat at the kitchen table. She cleared her throat when you walked in, her head hung low until you stood at the counter. You weren't facing her and that made Demi feel even guiltier. She carefully moved from the kitchen chair and stood up. She slowly made her way towards you, giving you telltale signals that she was coming closer and closer in fear that it was gonna scare you more.

She cautiously put her hand on your back, part of her relieved yet worried when you didn't push her away. "Princess-" "Don't call me that." Your voice cracked and was shaky, unsteady. It broke Demi's heart and even though neither of you could see each other's faces, you both knew he oher was crying. "I'm so sorry."

She didn't know what else to say. She feared that anything else would, understandably, make you even angrier at her than she assumed you were already. "How could you? How could you do that to me? I trusted you Demi. You promised you'd never hurt me..." Trusted. Past tense. She knew it was no mistake. "I know. You're right. You're completely right."

You slowly turned around to face her and that's when she saw it. The bruise on your cheek was impossible to not notice. "Shit" she muttered under her breath, everything hitting her all over again. She didn't know what to do at this point, because she felt that nothing she could do or say would ever make this better. "I know I fucked up. I fucked up big time, I know I did. You can walk away. Shit, i'd completely understand if you did. I'd leave too." She hung her head low, not to try to get you to feel bad for her but rather because she genuinely felt terrible. To her, there was no turning back. There was no excuse for her to hit you, ever.

You looked at her, silent as you thought too much, again. Part of you knew that there was no logical reason for her to ever hit you, but at the same time you knew that what Demi had done was so unlike her. You've been dating for two years and she's never even hurt a fly. She's the most understanding and most thoughtful, compassionate woman you've ever known.

Demi was shocked when you hooked your fingers under her chin. Your watery eyes met hers and for some reason you just buried yourself in her embrace. Demi didn't hug you back at first, because she was so shocked, but she refused to let the moment slip away. She gently wrapped her arms around your back, not holding you too tight because she was afraid that it'd scare you.

She broke down all of a sudden. Not just with tears and apologies, but the truth of why she's been gone so late for so long. She told you that she was afraid and stressed, feeling as though things were piling up again and that she didn't wanna tell anyone in fear that they'd think she was being dishonest. She confessed how afraid she was of losing you, not just after last night, but from day one.

It wasn't an excuse. It was the truth. She was being honest with you, and genuine. Just like you've always known her to be. "I messed up..." she mumbled and you nodded your head. "Yeah you did. But I know you better than that. You promise me right now that you'll never hit me again, ever. No matter what." "I promise y/n, I swear to you." You smiled and let Demi softly stroke the bruise on your cheek. You weren't afraid, just more shocked over the situation than anything else.

You spent the day in bed with Demi, letting her slowly embrace you like usual. It might take a little while for you to completely forgive her, but every day is a new day, and Demi was willing to do whatever it took for things to be okay.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now