this is me (requested)

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Demi fidgeted with the string of their sweater. They could feel your eyes on them but they were deep in thought, trying to find the words to say, and they couldn't really focus.

However, the brush of your hand as you took theirs into your warm, soft one made them lift their head and smile a little.

"Demi? What's going on? You seem so nervous. You've never acted like this in front of me before and you know you never should." You spoke softly and calmly, wanting them to know it was all okay and they could open p to you about whatever was on their mind.

They nodded slowly and took a deep breath.

"There's something I really need to tell you about but I don't really know how to say it. You're the first person I'm telling because you're the most important person in the world to me and I'm a little nervous to say this but,"

"I'll love you regardless, Demi. No matter what it is." You interrupted and brushed your thumb along their knuckles.

"I'm non-binary."

You nodded your head for them to continue, but they were more surprised to find you smiling at them and waiting for them to go on, like you're all ears; which you were.

"What do you think?" They couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean? Demi, if that's who you are, then that's who you are. I wouldn't ever judge you for that. I love you just the way you are."

They let out a breath of relief, causing you to feel a pang of sadness.

"Wait... did you think I would judge you?"

"Not really. I mean, I know you love me for me. But it was just a lot to say. It's something that I've been thinking about a lot lately and I just didn't know how to approach it. I feel like I can breathe again though, like there's this weight that's been lifted off my shoulders."

"Well, I love you so much. Nothing could ever change my mind about that, especially not when it's a part of who you are; a beautiful, special, important part."

They smiled and leaned in to kiss your cheek.

"So, tell me what to do that will make you feel more comfortable." You smiled and watched them smile bigger than ever as they let all of their walls down and began to radiate pure love and happiness.

They weren't holding back anymore. Not from you or anyone else. This is who they are and you felt so happy that they found you to be the most important person in their life, so in love with you that you're the first one they told and could genuinely be their true self around.

"Well, I'd like if you could address me as they/them instead of she/her."

"Okay." You smiled, gazing at them with a look of pride. "You know you're perfect to me, right? I love you unconditionally."

"I love you, y/n."

"So, don't be so nervous around me. Don't be afraid to open up to me about things like this. It's who you are and I love who you are."

"This is me." They smiled brightly, a little squeal falling from their lips as they realized that soon, they'd be free to be their true selves around everyone; free to shine and be who they are without any worries or any shame.

"As perfect as ever."

They threw their arms around you and closed their eyes. Their lips brushed against your skin for a soft kiss and wondered how they'd ever gotten so lucky.

They knew that they shouldn't have been so nervous in the first place. Because you will always love them and be there for them no matter what, and they felt so lucky to have you through the ups and downs of their life as they grow confidently into who they truly are.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now