separation anxiety (requested)

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Standing in the middle of the airport, all you could do was cling to Demi tighter than you ever had before, all while wishing that she never had to leave.

You knew this day would come. But it came so slowly and you've spent every minute with her over the last few weeks, so preparing for her to leave didn't really cross your mind. But that dreadful day arrived and you weren't ready for her to leave.

"Princess, it's only four months." She whispered as she rubbed her hand along your back.

"You act like that's nothing. Like time will just fly by." You mumbled in response. "Without you, time just crawls. I don't know what to do without you." You lifted your head from her chest. You tried to look her in the eye. You love her eyes. You could gaze into them forever if you had the chance to. But you had tears in your eyes. They blurred your vision and you tried to blink them away but it wasn't working. It just caused them to fall down your cheeks.

"Please don't go." You held onto her hoodie tightly in your fists. Your hands trembled, your breathing became rapid as fear washed over you. "I don't want you to leave. Please stay!" Your bottom lip trembled and Demi could feel the lump growing in her throat. "Don't leave me..."

Demi hugged you close to her. You were panicking, pleading for her not to leave. "Shh. Take a deep breath for me, Y/N. I'm still here." She cooed as she rubbed your shoulders and back. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. She felt like crying, too.

"I don't wanna leave you, baby girl. I know you're scared. I'm scared too." She paused as she inhaled shakily. She heard you sniffle followed by a whimper as your breathing continued to be unsteady and rapid. "I don't ever wanna leave you. I'd stuff you my suitcase and take you with me if I could." She chuckled tearfully.

"I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay with me. I hate being away from you. It scares me. How am I supposed to handle being away from you for four months? It's torture." You cried.

She nodded her head. She knows your separation anxiety is to blame for this and it broke her heart to see you so anxious, especially when there was nothing she could really do. All she could do was hear you out and hold you tight for the last few minutes you shared together.

"Y/N, you gotta breathe." She whispered when your breathing became too irregular. "Take a deep breath."

You shook your head from where you rested it on her chest. "I can't."

"You can. I know you can."

She took deep breaths with you and with your ear right against her heart, you could hear the sound of her heartbeat. It was comforting. It soothed you more than ever before.

"It's all gonna be okay. I know distance is hard and time always seems to move slower when we're apart. It does for me too. But, my beautiful girl, it's all gonna be okay. I'll call you every day and night. I'll tuck you into bed over the phone and I'll sing you to sleep if you need me to. I'll listen to you talk about your days and I'll be here to encourage you when you need it most." She promised as she rattled off all the things she'd continue to do for you.

"I know distance is hard for most couples, but not for us. We're gonna make it through. If things get too hard and you feel you can't take it anymore, I will fly you out to wherever I am in a heartbeat." She smiled, but you didn't miss the tears in her eyes when you looked up at her. "I'll make everything better, even if I'm not right next to you. No distance will ever change how much I love you. It only makes my heart grow fonder. It only makes coming home that much better."

You nodded tearfully. Sniffling a time or two, you could feel your breathing return to normal and your heart start to beat slower again. "I'm just gonna miss you." You confessed sadly.

She tilted your chin up as she hooked her fingers underneath it. "I'll miss you too. But I'll see you soon. Like I said, if you need me, I'll be here. I'll fly you out halfway across the world to me if you need me to. I'll do anything to make you happy."

You smiled for the first time since you arrived at the airport moments ago. Just as the tears stopped falling and you snuggled close to her, there was an announcement over the speakers... announcing that Demi's flight was boarding.

"Be safe. Please." You mumbled.

She pressed her lips to yours, soaking in the taste of your lips as much as she could.

"I will. I love you. I'll call you when I land." She promised and with one last kiss, she let go of your hand and walked down the hall to board her plane.

You hung your head and took a few deep breaths as you tried to convince yourself that it would all be okay.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now