Demi picks your child up from school

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Demi's phone rang interrupting her from her recording. She pulled her phone from her pocket and saw that it was Sophia's school calling her. She answered it straightaway. "Hello?" Demi said, worry instantly washing over her. "Mommy?" Demi heard Sophia's tiny voice and noticed that it was filled with tears. "Sophia? Sweetheart are you alright?"

She heard Sophia sniffle and Demi stepped out of the room, prepared to do whatever Sophia was in need of. "I got sick. Wanna come home." She was crying and Demi didn't hesitate to go back inside to grab her things before walking out to the car. "Okay, lovebug, i'm on my way. You just wait for me to get there. I'll be there shortly. I love you sweetie." Sophia softly whispered back an 'I love you' before handing the phone back to the school nurse and pulling her little knees to her chest as she waited for Demi to arrive.

As soon as Demi came inside the office Sophia was running over to her. Demi picked her up in her arms and Sophia rubbed her eyes as she cried, clinging onto Demi as tight as she could. The nurse explained to her what had happened and how Sophia seemed to be a little off when she got there this morning but suddenly got sick a little while later. "Oh, alright, Soph. Let's get you home and nice and cozy in your bed, okay?" Sophia nodded her head and Demi grabbed her backpack and thanked the nurse before going out to the car.

Demi gently sat Sophia in the seat and buckled the seatbelt before crouching down on the ground outside the car. "You okay honey?" Sophia shook her head and started to cry. "Feel sick, momma." Demi tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and kissed her warm forehead. "Okay. I'll get you home." Sophia's bottom lip started to tremble and Demi quickly brushed her thumb across it. "Hey, shh, no crying, sweet girl." Sophia couldn't stop her tears though and they started to fall. "You know who's at home waiting for us?" Sophia rubbed her tired eyes and shook her head. "Mommy." This made Sophia smile a little. "Wanna get home then?" Sophia nodded and put her head back against the seat. Demi kissed her head and closed the door before she started to drive home.

Sophia ended up falling asleep on the way home but woke up when Demi unbuckled her seatbelt. She looped her arms around Demi's neck as she lifted her up and carried her inside. You were in the kitchen scrolling through your phone when they came inside. Sophia was instantly reaching out for you to hold her when she saw you. You pulled her in your arms and let her snuggle up close to you. "Are you feeling better, my baby?" She shrugged her shoulders and you took that as an indication that she wasn't.

Demi was getting Sophia some juice from the fridge and when she handed it to her she saw Sophia smile. "Let's get you to bed." You whispered and took her upstairs, Demi trailing behind you with her hand on the small of your back. You laid Sophia down in her bed and tucked her in, letting her take a few more sips of her juice before you put it on the table next to her. You combed your fingers through her hair and watched as her eyes closed. "Love you baby girl." you whispered and kissed her head as she fell asleep. "Love you, mommies." Demi smiled and stroked Sophia's arm before you both got up and walked out of the room, quietly closing Sophia's door behind her, both of you hoping she'll feel better when she wakes up.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя