your parents don't approve of your pregnancy (requested)

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The food on the plate in front of you didn't seem as appetizing as it once did. Despite being pregnant, you think the anxiety that continues to wash over you in waves is the main reason why.

Most people would probably be excited about this day. You were when it came to telling Demi's family! However, this was different. These were your parents. They've never been that supportive of you and you're sure you telling them that you're pregnant won't change that.

You tried to hold out hope. They invited you over for dinner tonight, letting the opportunity arise. You hoped that they'd be happy for you and Demi. But that snarky look on your mom's face from you only pushing your plate away brought that lingering thought back that they probably wouldn't be supportive.

"What's the matter? Not hungry?" Your mom asked as she continued to eat her food. Demi reached under the table and gave her a knee a comforting squeeze. Sensing your nerves, she was unwilling to let you go.

"I just feel a little sick. That's all."

Your dad furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh? Why so?" He asked as he sipped on some water.

You looked at Demi who nodded her head. She had a sinking feeling in her chest though. That she couldn't deny.

"Because Demi and I are having a baby. I'm pregnant."

Your dad dropped his fork on his plate while your mom seemed almost shocked.

"I know it's unexpected but I figured you guys would be excited! Your first grandchild is supposed to be something to be happy about!" You smiled but the look on their faces made it falter fast. "I thought that,"

"Happy?" Your dad interrupted. "Why would be happy about this? You're not ready for a baby."

You looked down at your feet under the table. Swallowing the lump forming in your throat, you went to speak but the words wouldn't come out. The way they were looking at each other, at you and Demi, made your happiness dwindle.

"We don't approve of this." Your mom said, to which Demi scoffed.

"You don't approve?" She muttered as she threw the napkin in your hand down. "As if we need your approval." She spat. "We're having this baby. We're keeping this baby and we're gonna love every part of them. Do you think we came today to ask you if we could keep it? Like we need your permission?"

She kissed her teeth and shook her head in disbelief. "You should be ashamed of yourselves. To sit there and to speak to your grown daughter who is clearly excited to share such a big moment with you guys only to look at her and speak to her like this; as if she's not fit to be a mother."

She gazed at you, taking your hand in her own with a smile on her face. "She's gonna be a great mother. She's loving, she's kind. She's everything I've ever dreamt of. We're starting our family together, whether you like it or not. You don't wanna be apart of our baby's life? So be it."

You threw the sonogram photo onto the table. You looked away from your parents and without another word, you grabbed Demi's hand and walked out of the house.

She went to start the car but the silence in the air was unbearable. She took your hand and you gazed at her, flashing her a small but sad smile. "I love you." She said. "Are you upset with what I said?"

"Upset? Hell no. You took all the words right out of my mouth." You chuckled. "I'm not sad, really. I'm not mad. I'm relieved that they know. I'm happy because our baby will still have your parents to get absolutely spoiled by!"

Demi laughed and kissed your hand. "Very true. We're gonna be alright."

"I know. We always are."

She kissed you and laid her hand over your stomach. Even though your bump has yet to appear, she's still obsessed with the thought of your little baby growing in there. "I love you both so much." She grinned and then began to drive home.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now