you're scared of the dark

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Demi smiled brightly at you as she stepped out of her bathroom after brushing her teeth for the night. She turned the light off and made her way to her bed, where you were comfortably laying and waiting for her.

"You're sure you wanna stay the night? I want you to more than anything but if you're uncomfortable for any reason," She started to say, but the brush of your hand along her arm made her stop.

"I'm sure. I've been wanting to stay the night for a while. I'm really happy you asked me to stay tonight." You said and felt her lips touch yours for a moment before she was pulling away.

You looked around her bedroom in amazement. You admired the photos she had hung up along the wall and on her bedside table of her family and friends... and the two of you. You were so busy staring at the picture that you didn't even notice Demi's hand inching toward the light switch until the room went dark.

You jolted when all the light disappeared. It was pitch black. The sun had set hours ago and the curtains in her room were drawn shut, so no light from the moon in the sky or the streetlights nearby could seem to bring a little light into the bedroom, which you really wanted.


She laid her hand over yours. "Yes, princess?"

"C-Can you please turn the light back on? Please?"

You were obviously anxious. It was clear to tell by the shakiness in your voice and your unsteady breaths. She quickly flipped the switch upward and the room lit up instantly.

Your hand was resting over your chest, right over your racing heart. Demi's eyes were wider than you'd ever seen before at the sudden anxiety that had come over you.

"Are you okay, baby? What happened? You seem scared."

You didn't really want to say it, but you could see the worried look in her eyes. "I'm okay. I'm just afraid of the dark..." You trailed off as you stared at your fingers and gnawed on your bottom lip.

Demi grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze. "That's perfectly fine. Nothing to be ashamed of! You should've told me, baby girl." She said as she ran her thumb gently along your knuckles. You were quiet but she had the perfect remedy to help you tonight.

"How about we watch tv together until we fall asleep? I'll even keep it on all through the night for you if that'll make you feel better."

Needless to say, that made your worries wash away and that sparkle in your eyes return. "I'd like that a lot."

She nodded and handed the remote to you. "Whatever it is you wanna watch, my love. I'm okay with anything. I just want you to be comfortable tonight."

So, you turned on your favorite show. You felt tired and now that your mind was at ease, you could fall asleep!

But not before you left a few kisses along your girlfriend's neck and let your head fall to her chest. "Thank you for being so understanding and for helping me. I love you."

She smiled and kissed the top of your head before she turned the light off once again. You didn't jolt. You didn't seem afraid at all. Now that you had your favorite show on and she was holding you close, your fears had faded far away.

"I love you too. Sleep tight, princess. I'll be right here if you need me for anything."

She made sure you were both covered up with the blanket and that you were fast asleep before she fell asleep, too. The tv was still on for you and she wasn't gonna let you go. You could rest well knowing you were safe and sound.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now