just hold on (requested)

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Demi was so happy to finally be home.

Touring is always fun but can be very exhausting. Not to mention, it's never easy on her being away from you, and she knows it's not any easier on you.

Demi was extremely concerned about you, too. You've been acting really strange while she's been away. You seemed quiet and more stressed and when Demi tried to talk to you about it, you'd just blame it on work and stress.

As she walked inside the house she called out for you, but you didn't answer her. As she crept upstairs she heard you sniffling and sobbing. She figured maybe something had happened at work that day and you were just upset.

But she froze on her feet when she stood in the doorway to find you sitting on the floor with bottles of alcohol surrounding you and blood falling from your wrists. "Oh my god, y/n," she was by your side in the blink of an eye.

Your eyes were red, cheeks puffy, hands shaky as blood dripped from your wrist to your fingertips and down to the floor. "Your wrist! What have you done?"

She didn't wait for you to utter a single word. She just went straight into the bathroom and grabbed a towel for your wrist to stop the bleeding. She pressed it right onto the wound and kept her head down so you wouldn't see her cry.

But the sound of her sniffles was enough to let you know that she was.

She looked around the room in shock. It was clear how much you'd been drinking. She could smell it on your breath, she could see the scattered bottles across the floor and tables. She could see the pain in you eyes. The sight and smell of everything was just so overwhelming.

She could hardly recognize you.

"What happened?"

Your bottom lip quivered. "I'm sorry. It's just... after you left things got so much worse, both at work and with my mind. It was just overwhelming and the pain was inescapable. This was the only way I could seem to escape from it all."

You explained as tears streamed down your face.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't wanna burden you. Demi, I know how much of a toll touring can take on you, on your mind. I didn't wanna add to your stress."

Demi scoffed. She pulled the towel from your wrist, feeling relieved and thankful when she saw it was no longer bleeding, and she shakily pulled your hand into her. She cried against it. "Burden me? How could you think that? Y/n, you're the love of my life, the person that's most important to me. I'm here for you, I'm always here for you. I don't ever want you to do this to yourself. I want you to talk to me and open up to me, always."

You felt so guilty and so sick from all the alcohol in your bloodstream. Overall, you just wished you could take these last couple of months back.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to handle it without you here. Doing drugs and drinking and-"

You paused a small sob escaped Demi's lips. One she couldn't hold back.

"It was the only way I could get through it. I just wasn't even aware that I was in this deep."

Demi exhaled shakily before holding your hand. "Baby, we have to get you help."

You shook your head. "I don't think I can." You felt so ashamed already, you didn't know if you could handle the prying eyes from the media that was bound to find out about this. Or your family.

"Don't be afraid," Demi whispered, tilting your chin up as she gazed into your teary eyes with her own. "You're not gonna be alone. I'm here now, and I promise that I'll be by your side with every step, no matter what."

It's what you needed to do to get better. So, with a nod of your head and a heavy sigh, you agreed. "Okay."

You leaned your head on her shoulder and cried as she pulled you into her arms.

Although you felt afraid, you knew you needed to get better. And with Demi there by your side to support you, you knew you'd be able to get through it all.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now