you need her after a bad day (requested)

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Walking through the front door, you slammed it shut behind you with a frustrated groan. Kicking off your shoes, you realized that you had yet to hear the sound of your girlfriend's feet on the stairs and the sound of her voice; two things you usually hear as soon as you walk through the door when she's home.

"Demi?" You called out and began to look around for her. "Are you home?" You yelled as you started to climb the stairs. "Please be home." You muttered quietly under your breath, hoping that you'd find her in your shared bedroom when you reached it.

But as was the rest of the house, the bedroom was empty. The bed was still made, the lights off and the room completely quiet. You lowered your head as you realized that she wasn't home. You walked over to the bed and sat at the foot of it. Pulling your phone out from your pocket, you called her, in need of hearing her voice.

She picked up on the third ring, greeting you with her sweet voice and the pet name you love so much.

"Hey, baby girl. How are you? How's your day been?"

You shrugged your shoulders, even though she couldn't see you. It took you a moment before you felt able to talk, but you were quiet and clearly saddened.

"Not good..." you sighed, before shaking your head with a sad chuckle. "Terrible, actually. I came home, hoping you were here already. But I guess you're still busy?"

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry. I'm still in the studio."

You nodded and hung your head again.

"That's alright, I understand. I'll see you whenever you get home. Love you."

You ended the call, too sad to say another word. You got up to go grab one of her hoodies from the closet before falling back into bed. You closed your eyes and drifted off into a peaceful slumber, thinking she wouldn't be home for a while and you'd be able to forget your worries and rest up.

But your eyes opened only forty minutes later at the touch of a hand on your arm. Your eyes flew open, a little startled by the sudden touch. But you relaxed when you saw Demi, finding her with a sad smile.

"Sorry," she apologized. "You okay? Did you get a little sleep?"

"A little." You mumbled. "I thought you wouldn't be home for a while."

"I got off almost immediately after you hung up. It hurt me to think about you needing me and me not being with you. I finished up a few things then told them I had to go and they let me out early." She explained, sending you another sad smile. "Are you alright?"

You shrugged your shoulders.

She sat on the bed  beside you and said, "Want a hug?"

You crawled onto her lap and found comfort in her smell as you buried your face in the crook of her neck. You both breathed out breaths of relief, both of you happy to be home and with each other at last.

"I'm sorry your day was bad. How does take out and your favorite movies sound?"

"Perfect." You said, cracking a smile.

"I think so too." She mumbled as she brushed her fingers through your hair, staring down at you with a look of adoration in her eyes. Tonight was all about you and whatever it was that you wanted to do or you needed, she'd do in a heartbeat. As long as it meant seeing that smile on your face again.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now