telling your parents (requested)

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You've been so excited for this day. The day that you and Demi could finally share the exciting news with your parents. You had the entire thing planned out. A tiny little gift was set on the counter; the sonogram photo you had printed out just for them.

Going to tell your parents also meant a home-cooked meal, which you were thrilled about. However, sitting here now with the plate in front of you, you were only able to eat a few forkfuls before you were pushing it away and clearing your throat, trying to fight the nausea that was trying to creep up your throat.

Demi squeezed your knee. Your parents were distracted by arguing, although only playfully, about what they thought you and Demi were gonna give them tonight. It gave her a chance to check up on you, which she really needed to do. "You alright?"

"Yeah. Just a little nauseous but what else is new?"

Demi chuckled sadly and kissed your temple. She was gonna say something, but your dad cut was speaking before she had the chance.

"Okay. We're getting a little impatient. Can you just tell us?"

You shook your head and smiled a little when your parents just groaned. "But, if you're both ready, you can open it now."

They both nodded excitedly. Demi squeezed your knee once more before she stood up and grabbed the tiny gift box from the counter. She put it in front of your parents. "Here you go." She quickly made her way back over to you. She stood behind you, arms wrapped around you as you both watched your parents unwrap the gifts.

They saw the card inside. Your mom excitedly snatched it before your dad could. She opened it and when she did, the sonogram photo slid out and onto the table. Your dad picked it up and they both glanced at it before looking at you and Demi in shock.

"Y/N?" Your mom mumbled tearfully.

"You're pregnant!" Your dad cheered but you didn't miss the tears in his eyes. He came over to you and pulled you into a hug while your mom hugged Demi.

"Oh this is so exciting! Congratulations! I know you're gonna be wonderful parents." Your mom smiled as she rubbed Demi's arms.

"My baby girl is actually having a baby." Your dad said. He hugged you a little longer and gave you a kiss on your head before he was pulling back to hug Demi.

Your mom brought you into her arms. "Yeah, I can see it now. You have that glow. That beautiful, beautiful glow. Oh, honey. I'm so excited for you both."

Demi was wrapping her arms around you when you were both away from your parents arms. "She's already nine weeks. Through the morning sickness and the mood swings, she's been quite the rockstar. I'm so proud of her." Demi confessed to your parents, leaning around to kiss your cheek as her hand moved to your stomach.

"You'll start to show soon then. How exciting!"

You watched your parents hug each other, crying as they realized their first grandbaby would be arriving in just a few months from now.

If it was possible, this only made you feel more excited than you felt before. You couldn't wait for them to come. They'll be loved beyond words.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now