she wants your attention

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Demi threw her head back against the couch with a long sigh. Looking over at you, she noticed that you were busy scrolling through your phone.

But even though you seemed entranced in that, she still figured you were watching the movie; the one she found boring and dreadful.

"Princess? This movie is a little boring. Can we watch something else?"

She figured you'd look her way, but she didn't get an answer. She looked at your eyes, watching them move quickly as you read through whatever seemed to capture your attention currently.

"Y/n?" She tapped your shoulder, thinking you'd look her way.

But you only hummed in acknowledgment, never turning your head or shifting your attention elsewhere.

"Are you paying attention to this movie? I'm not enjoying it. I thought maybe I could find something better for us to watch." She said and her heart fluttered in her chest just thinking about all the movies she could turn on for you! Preferably a comedy, so she could hear your joyous laugh as it played.

But you didn't say anything. You just continued to read on your phone.

She huffed. Now she's both bored and annoyed, and before she could even register in her brain what she was doing she reached over and pulled your phone out of your hand and gently placed it on your thigh.


"Oh, c'mon, baby girl. Don't be like that." She whined. "I know you were in the middle of something but I love you and I've missed you. We haven't had much time together lately due to my busy schedule and I just wanna be with you."

She gave you her sad eyes and a pout you couldn't ever resist.

You sighed and caressed her cheek lovingly before saying, "I've missed you too. I'm sorry I got distracted."

"It's okay." She smiled then wrapped her fingers around your hand and brought your palm to her lips, leaving little kisses along your skin. "You know what isn't okay, though?"


"This movie!" She scoffed, causing you to laugh. "It's not good. It's boring. Can we please watch something else?"

"Of course."

She cheered happily and kissed your lips softly before saying, "What do you have in mind?"

You shook your head and locked your phone before putting it aside to focus on her.

"Whatever you want, my love. It's all up to you. I'm okay with anything. I just want to spend time with you." You said and laid your cheek on her shoulder, relishing in the brush of her lips on the crown of your head that followed.

As she turned a different movie on, you settled into her embrace; only for her to put her arms around you and pull you onto her lap.

You shrieked before letting out a few giggles as your chest filled with butterflies when she kissed your neck softly. You melted into her embrace and found yourself loving and living for these moments with her much more than the unimportant things on social media.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now