needy (requested)

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You could hear Demi's beautiful voice flowing throughout the house as you slowly climbed the stairs and reached her music room.

You saw her sitting at the piano with her hair tied into a messy bun, the pen cap between her lips as she hummed and wrote different lyrics and melodies onto the pages spread out in front of her.

She's been hard at work with new music. She's doing it all from home now since you're progressing further along into your pregnancy now. Even though there are still three months to go, she doesn't wanna miss a single moment. You love how close she already is to the baby and your admiration for how family-oriented she already is makes your heart melt.

You made your way over to her and wrapped your arms around her. She hummed before she let out an adorable little giggle.

"Hi," you whispered as you kissed her cheek.

"Hello, princess! How are you feeling?" She tilted her head back against your shoulder, eyes alit with an adoring gaze.


She reached for her pen as an idea suddenly hit her. She scribbled it down quickly and when she placed her fingers on the keys she heard you whine. A smile tugged at her lips, only growing when your lips touched her shoulder.

She turned around to look at you. "Yes, baby girl?" She placed her hand over your bump, still fascinated by how much it was growing. It showed that your baby was growing, and she couldn't help but think that you have never looked so beautiful.

"Are you busy?" You asked as your teeth sank into your lip, fighting the urge to tug at the sleeve of her sweater and drag her back to bed where you could cuddle for the remainder of the day.

"A little. Why, baby?"

You shook your head and nodded toward the paino, wordlessly telling her to resume where she had left off. She sighed but started to play again, only to feel your arms go around her neck and for your lips to touch her neck a moment later.

"Tell me what it is," she said, turning around once more before wrapping her arms around you and pulling you into her lap.

"We want cuddles!"

Demi's grin was wide upon hearing the word 'we'. She could see the pout on your lips and the slight look of sadness in your eyes.

She shook her head, laying one hand to your cheek while the other rested on your stomach. "No need to pout, baby girl. I'm never too busy for my babies! I'm always happy to give you cuddles. That's the beauty of working at home; even more time for my babies."

You kissed her softly. You sighed against her lips and Demi just hummed in response, driving you wild and making the craving you had for the taste of her lips grow even more.

She pulled away all too soon, though. You whined and dropped your head to her shoulder.

"Let's go cuddle, baby girl. Turn on a good movie and I'll get you whatever it is that you're craving today."

Your eyes lit up at her words! You climbed off of her lap and tugged at her hand. With a laugh, Demi followed right behind you. She loved how excited you were. She could already tell that you'd be the most amazing mother.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now