sneezing fits

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You felt Demi's hand running through your hair, slowly lulling you to sleep.

You could hear her giggle every now and then while some comedy you lost interest in long ago played on the tv.

You've been laying there with your eyes closed for so long that Demi truthfully thought you'd fallen asleep. But she was clearly wrong when your eyes suddenly shot open and you sat up rather quickly, reaching out for a tissue from the box that was on the table in front of the couch.

You waited a few seconds, feeling the familiar feeling of the sneeze coming on before it finally happened.

Demi threw her head back with a laugh, her eyes soft and heart feeling like it could burst from how cute she thought you looked in that moment.

"Oh, princess! You have the most adorable sneeze," she cooed as you reached for another tissue and sneezed into it again.

This went on for a couple of minutes. After every sneeze, you'd hear your girlfriend giggle, feel her lips on your shoulder or against your ear as she muttered about how cute you were.

You eventually lost count of how many times you had sneezed and threw your head back once more as another built up, but thankfully passed.

You sighed out in relief and caught your breath as you put your head on Demi's shoulder. "You just have the most adorable sneeze, you know that? Every time I think you can't get any cuter you prove me wrong." She smiled and rubbed her hand up and down your back.

You eventually moved your head back to her lap and closed your eyes.

But just as you got comfortable enough to fall asleep again, you felt that feeling coming back once more, making you reach for the tissues and your body shake as you sneezed yet again.

Frustrated, you grabbed the box and put them on your lap. "Clearly I'm not gonna stop anytime soon," you grumbled and sneezed again while Demi just laughed and stroked your hair, now more focused on her adorable girlfriend than the movie she too secretly lost interest in long ago.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now