you have appendicitis (requested)

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The pain wouldn't go away. It didn't matter what position you laid in or what you did to try to soothe the horrible ache, it only grew stronger. You felt sick to your stomach but you couldn't tell if it was from the pain or because there was something bigger going on that was causing you to feel sick.

You writhed around on the bathroom floor. You were laying on the cold tiles, hoping it'd bring your sweaty and warm skin some relief, but now you couldn't even move.

Your mom, Demi, was just down the hall and you were trying not to wake her but your groans bounced off the walls and woke her from her light sleep.

"Sweetie?" She called as she walked inside your bedroom. You could hear her footsteps leading to your bathroom and you sighed out in relief when the door swung open. "Y/n? Oh my god, honey! What's wrong?"

You whined, throwing your head back with another groan. "It hurts." You whimpered, unable to say much more, but it was just enough. Your mom sprang into action. "I'm gonna be right back," she promised as she left the room, returning a moment later with her keys and phone. She picked you up and carried you out to the car.

She let you lay in the backseat. It gave you room to move around and stretch out. She kept looking back at you in the rearview mirror. She was chewing on her lip so much it was beginning to bleed, the crimson red slowly dripping from her skin was the least of her worries.

She pulled into the parking lot and carried you inside. Despite you being independent and more grown-up, you never once complained as she carried you through the sliding doors and yelled for help. "Someone pelase help. My daughter, something's wrong!"

A nurse came over and put you in a wheelchair to lead you down the hall to a room. You got onto the bed and started to writhe in pain. "Tell me where it hurts," the nurse said as she pressed onto your skin, eyes as wide as saucers when you screamed out in pain when she touched the right side of your abdomen.

She ran out of the room without a word leaving you and your mom an anxious mess. She returned just a moment later with a doctor in front of her. The doctor put the same pressure over your right side and you groaned out in pain, tears leaking from the corner of your eyes as you begged and pleaded for it to stop.

"Okay, y/n. So you have appendicitis, which is when your appendix becomes inflamed. We're gonna need to get you straight to surgery to get it out." The doctor explained calmly but you looked at your mom with tears in your eyes making her heart shatter.


You whimpered and felt her take your hand. "It's all gonna be okay. EVerything's gonna be fine, I promise." They started to wheel you down the hall and to the operating room. "I'll be waiting for you. I'll be right there when you wake up!" She shouted before a nurse walked her to the waiting area.

An hour went by before the same nurse came back to her with a smile. "Your daughter is out of surgery. She's still asleep but she'll wake up soon. You can come to see her if you'd like." Demi wiped a stray tear from her cheek and nodded her head rapidly as the nurse led her to a much nicer and slightly more cozy hospital room.

She went by your side and waited for you to open your eyes, which you thankfully did about ten minutes later. "Mom?"

"Hey, honey," she whispered and smiled as you took her hand. "How are you feeling? Any better now?"

You groggily rubbed your eyes, moving just slightly only to wince out from the pain. You felt weak and a little sick, but overall a lot better than before.

"Pretty much. Just a tired, sore, and a little nauseous."

She nodded and kissed your forehead. "It's okay, sweetie. Why don't you go to sleep? You're gonna be in here for a little while, probably till tomorrow."

Even though you hated hospitals, you didn't really care all that much. You were too tired to even try and more than that you were just happy to feel even a little bit better than you did before you arrived.

Demi Lovato Imagines Book Three (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now