Chapter 44: Evidence

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Yoochun helped Junsu back to his seat and plopped down on his own seat.  "Breathe."

            "I-Is he okay?" Simon inquired worriedly.

            Even without understanding Mandarin, Jaejoong was able to figure out what was said by Simon's expression.  He spoke into the translating device that Yunho was holding.  "Don't worry.  He's fine.  Junsu is a medium, so he is able to get premonitions through his touch."

            "Okay." Simon knew exactly how Junsu felt, because the other's reaction was the same as his when he was being tormented.

            Jaejoong left to the kitchen to pour Junsu a glass of water as well as grab a can of soda for Simon; whilst Yunho passed the device to Yoochun.

            "Thanks." Yoochun pointed the device at Junsu and waited for the other to recollect himself.

            Junsu gave out a sigh and started talking.  "That was...horrible.  I could feel someone stabbing me...multiple times in the stomach.  T-Then I was dragged by my ankles across the ground.  Not sure where, but there were trees everywhere.  Maybe a forest.  There was a male voice mumbling something to me." 

            "What was he saying?" Jaejoong placed the can of soda down for Simon and handed the glass of water to Junsu.

            "Thank you." Jason cracked open the can and gave it to Simon.

Junsu took a sip of water and paused for a moment to remember what he saw.  "I stole his life." He furrowed his brows in distress.  "I took his family.  He should be the one with the wealthy parents.  The one who gets to marry Zhao...something." Junsu clenched onto his own head and groaned.  "There was dirt thrown over me until everything became dark.  Couldn't breathe..."

            Noticing that Junsu was gasping, Yoochun stroked his back to comfort him. "It's okay now.  I'm here."

            Junsu nodded.

            Yunho reached over to grab the device from Yoochun and spoke to Simon.  "Was that the same thing that you experienced?"

            "Yes." Simon glanced at Jason with teary eyes. "I could feel the knife piercing into my flesh over and over.  It started out only as nightmares, but it kept getting worse.  I tormented by it during the day.  I can't tell whether it's a hallucination or if it's actually happening for real.  I don't know what's real anymore."

            "It's okay, Simon." Jason petted his head. "We'll try to fix it."

            "What if we can't fix it?" Simon pleaded helplessly.

            "I'll do whatever it takes to fix it.  I'll be with you all the way." Jason promised.

            The P.I. team listened to their conversation with the back and forth of the devices.

            "It appears that Mr. Gong is being haunted by the ghost of someone who was stabbed and buried alive," Changmin derived. 

            "Why is that ghost following Mr. Gong?" Yoochun wondered. "There must be a connection.  You must have crossed paves with this victim somehow."

            Something came to Jaejoong's mind. "Have you bought anything that was secondhand?  A piece of jewelry like a watch or a ring."

            Simon shook his head. "No."

            "How about something electronic?  A security camera?" Yoochun added.

            "The ghost is following him everywhere, so it has to be something that he can carry with him."

"A wallet?" Yoochun continued to throw out random ideas.  

"Something that needs to be carried daily and is nearby at night." Changmin mumbled as he was thinking.

            Jaejoong looked over at Yunho and both of them stated in unison. "A cell phone."

            "That's right," Changmin agreed.

            "A cell phone is definitely something that follows me all the time," Yoochun concurred. "Why didn't I think of that?"

            Changmin wanted to tease Yoochun with his usual comment but refrained when Junsu threw him a look.

            "Simon's cell phone is brand new," Jason informed. "I got it for him recently."

            "That's odd." Yunho tapped on his chin as he tried to figure it out.

            "Let's finish eating and talk later," Jaejoong suggested.  "The food is getting cold."

            Simon suddenly realized something and put down his chopsticks.

"What's wrong?" Jason looked over at him worriedly.

"Something just came to mind." He quickly pulled out his cell phone and scrolled through his files. "I'm a crime lab technician.  I was in the back room sorting through boxes of evidence.  We had to move the older ones to a different storage to make room for newer cases.  I dropped my phone into one of the boxes and when I picked it up, I realized that it had taken a picture of the evidence.  I didn't think much about it at the time, but I left the photos in my gallery.  Do you think that it means something?" Simon showed them the snapshot on his phone.

            "It looks like a ransom note of some sort." Yunho assumed by all the cut out letters being glued onto a piece of blank paper.  He couldn't read what was on there, since it was all in Chinese.

            "It is indeed a ransom note," Simon confirmed. "I believe it was for a kidnapping case regarding a 7-year old.  His name was," Simon thought for a moment, "Donald Tang.  The boy was never found, so he was declared dead."
             "So, the case was never solved?" Jaejoong queried.

            "No." Simon shook his head.  "The case went cold because Donald's body was never found."

            "That is every parent's worst nightmare.  It must be painful not knowing what happened to your child.  There's no closure."

            "Is it all right if I send this to photo to my phone?" Yunho asked.

            "Sure.  No problem."

Yunho handed Changmin his phone after the photo was sent.  "Changmin, look up information about Donald Tang's case after dinner."

            "All right, Yunho hyung."

            "Do you think that it's Donald's ghost who is following Mr. Gong?" Jaejoong questioned.

            "Maybe he can't rest until his body is found," Yoochun muttered.

            "No." Simon and Junsu blurted out in unison and then stared at each other.

            "When I was being dragged, my legs were long," Junsu notified. "I was definitely an adult; not a child."

            "Yes." Simon joined in.

            "An adult?" Jaejoong glimpsed over at Yunho. "Then, who got murdered?"


I changed the name of this case from 'Vintage' to 'Evidence'. I didn't like the original idea I had in my head. LOL This idea popped into my mind a couple days ago, and it made more sense. This will be the last case for this book. This story has lingered through the years without being finished, and I've decided that it needs to end. The book needs closure, and I need it out of the way so that I don't have to think about it anymore. I seriously should stop starting new stories, because I have too many ongoing ones to tackle. I don't even remember what I've written for what story most of the time. *shifty eyes*

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