Chapter 8: Comatose

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            "Hyung, did you hire a new assistant?" Changmin asked Yunho.

"Not that I know of," Yunho replied. "Jaejoong, did he tell you about any additions to our team?"


"Where could he be?"

Jaejoong glanced around and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see him, but I'm sure he told me that he only e-mailed the four of us."

"Let me redo my introduction." Dongwook extended his hand out to Yunho and he shook it. "I'm Siwon's older brother, Dongwook."

Yunho's almond-shaped eyes widened. "You're Siwon's Dong hyung?"

"Yes," Dongwook confirmed. "You've heard about me from Siwon, huh?"

"Yes, he often talked about you."

"Mostly bad things, I assume."

"Actually, he thought the world of you. You were his big brother."

"Unfortunately, I wasn't a very supportive brother. I brought him so much pain."

"I wouldn't know of them, because he only spoke good of you."

Dongwook sighed. "I was the one who was against it when he told me he wanted to be a paranormal investigator. I thought it was a ridiculous choice for a career, because I knew he could do better. That boy was extraordinarily intellectual, kind-hearted, warm and incredibly handsome. He inherited his mother's good looks, while I acquired our father's." Dongwook chuckled. "Now that he's gone, I want to find out why he would sacrifice his life for this job. He might be my half brother, but he's the only sibling I have...had; and I love him. So if it is alright with all of you, I would like to stay here for a while and join your team."

Yunho looked over at Jaejoong once again. "Is he...?"

"No, I still don't see him," Jaejoong provided.

"See?" Dongwook was curious and directed a question towards Jaejoong. "Are you able to see ghosts?"


"Do you see my brother?"

"I have seen him before, but he's not here right now."

"I see."

"There's a vacant room upstairs," Yunho stated. "It's the last one down the hallway. It was Siwon's room. You could use it if you like."

"That would be great," Dongwook smiled. "Thank you."

"You already know who I am. The rest of you should introduce yourself to Dongwook hyung."

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