Chapter 36: Diamond Cut

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            "Get some rest," Yoochun uttered and stood up from the couch. "Let's get to work, boss."

"Alright," Yunho concurred. "Changmin, is everything plugged up?"

"Almost," the youngest affirmed. "I just need to connect a couple more wires and we're good to go."

"Okay, you carry on." Yunho looked over at Jaejoong and Yoochun. "You two go set up the cameras around the center."

"Understood." Jaejoong gathered the necessary equipment and headed out with Yoochun when he felt Yunho's hand grasping his arm.

"Be careful," Yunho stated.

"I will," Jaejoong reassured.

"I canceled classes for today, in case something happens. I could assist you guys, if you need," Phillip offered.

Changmin finished plugging up the last cord and reached into his laptop bag to pull out a stack of yellow papers with red scribbles on them. "I decided to make some of these last night just in case the gadgets couldn't ward off the specter. Phillip-sshi could help me put them up."

"Sure. Where should I place them?"

"On all corners of this lounge as well as the door and outside wall. I'll accompany you. Let's start outside and work our way in."

Phillip nodded, took what was handed to him and walked out of the room with Changmin. When they were done, they returned to stick the rest up inside. Jaejoong and Yoochun joined them shortly after they completed their tasks with the cameras.

"Time to test out the visual and audio feeds," Changmin announced and switched on the system. "Hmm..." Reaching over to tightened one of the connectors, the monitors came on. The sound was buzzing at first but became audible after Changmin tuned it to the right frequency.


"He's here," Yunho uttered at the fazing image on the main monitor.

"I-It really is Jihyun hyung," Phillip stuttered in shock. "I can't believe my eyes."

Help me.

Jaejoong went to stand by the doorframe and asked, "How do you want us to help you?" Since he was clairvoyant, he was able to communicate with the spirit without the assistance of machines.

I didn't rob the jewelry store. I was framed.

"By whom?" Jaejoong inquired.

Kwon Sangwoo... Jihyun's ghostly form vanished moments after.

"Wait. Tell us how..." Jaejoong sighed at Jihyun's disappearance and walked over to his team.

"Kwon Sangwoo?" Phillip's eyes widened. "That's Sangjoon's older brother. It really was him who committed the crime."

"Who's Sangjoon?" Yoochun queried.

"Jihyun hyung's partner."

"He had a share in the Judo center?" Yoochun thought out loud.

"He's Jihyun hyung's boyfriend," Phillip clarified.

"Oh, that kind of partner." Yoochun sheepishly comprehended. "Got it."

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