Chapter 45: Evidence

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            The two translating devices were passed back and forth between them, depending on who was talking.

Changmin's long fingers glided through the keyboard at a remarkable speed as he researched the case. Since the case went cold for almost two decades, there wasn't too much information on it. Yunho held the device up for Changmin since his hands were busy. "The Tang family adopted a son a couple months after Donald was declared dead. Mrs. Tang was devastated by the loss, so Mr. Tang decided that it was the best thing to do. The boy was named Tedric. He was a year younger than their biological son, but he reminded them so much of him. His appearance, his mannerisms, and even his love for cars."

"A replacement..." Jaejoong muttered.

"Seems so," Yunho agreed. "But it's very understandable."


"Oh..." Changmin suddenly noticed something. "That's so unfortunate."

"What is it?" Junsu went over to see what Changmin was looking at.

"Tedric Tang has gone missing," Changmin informed. "His parents and girlfriend are frantically looking for him."

"Is there a second kidnapping?" Yoochun wondered.

"There is no mention of any ransom note from the family, so it might not be a kidnapping," Changmin answered. "Then again, I'm not certain. The report indicated that he left his office one night and never made it home. His girlfriend said he called to tell her that he was meeting someone after work and would be back a little late. He told her to eat dinner first."

"Who was he meeting?"

"Whoever it was, that person must be connected to this case somehow," Yunho said.

"Is Tedric still missing?" Jaejoong inquired.


"How long has he been missing?"

"The family reported him missing about a month ago."

"It must be heartbreaking for the parents to go through the same thing for both of their sons. It's bad enough to suffer the devastation once, but they went through it twice. Not knowing what happened to their sons. I can't imagine it." Jaejoong sighed.

"May I..." Simon wanted to take a look at what Changmin was researching.

"Sure." Junsu stepped aside so that Simon could have a closer look. "Tedric Tang..." His eyes widened and he turned to look at Jason. "Ge, could you get my laptop?"

"Okay." Jason went to fetch Simon's laptop from his luggage and plugged it up for him.

"Thanks ge." Simon switched it on and acquired the internet access from Yunho. Typing quickly, he began a search.

"What's he looking for?" Yoochun questioned.

Before Jason could respond that he didn't know, Simon stopped typing and muttered. "How could this be?"

"What is it, Simon?" Jason wanted to know.

"I remember that when I dropped my phone into that evidence box, there was an evidence bag holding a cigarette butt. They believed that it was left behind by one of the kidnappers. I'll call my colleague to check the database for DNA records and run it through recognition to see if there are any matches." Simon pinged his coworker and close friend, Han for a video chat.

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