Chapter 35: Diamond Cut

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            Yoochun and Changmin carried Junsu over to the couch and laid him down.

"What's the matter, Junsu?" Jaejoong asked worriedly as he gently stroked the lad's forehead. "He's running a fever."

"What?" Yoochun promptly crouched down and touched Junsu's forehead to make sure. "He was fine on our way here. How...?"

"Please...don't," Junsu mumbled as tears glided down the sides of his face.

"Junsu, it's okay," Yoochun reassured whilst wiping the other's tears with his hands.

"Don't...touch me." Sniffling in his unconscious state, Junsu muttered in his hoarse voice. "It hurts. You're hurting me...hyung."

Yoochun glanced up at Jaejoong. "What are we going to do? I can't wake him up."

Changmin went over to examine Junsu's gadget to double check whether it was switched on or not. Discovering that it was, the lad grumbled. "Aish! My updates last night still couldn't ward off something this strong. I need to configure a more powerful protective spell for the gadgets."

"Protective?" Jaejoong remembered something. "That's right! I still have your bracelet." Quickly removing the red marble beaded bracelet from his wrist, he handed it back to Changmin. "I was going to return it to you last night, but I didn't want to bother you when you were working on the updates."

"It's alright, Jaejoong hyung." Changmin took the bracelet and slipped it on Junsu's wrist. "Let's see if this would help." Everyone waited quietly to witness the outcome.

Wrinkling his brows, Junsu let out a loud gasp before his eyes shot wide open. He needed a moment to familiarize himself with his surrounding and noticed five pairs of eyes aimed straight at his face.

"Junsu, are you okay?" Yoochun caressed Junsu's cheek only to have his hand swatted away.

"Don't touch me!" Junsu glared at Yoochun. "Don't you dare touch me again. Do you understand?" His voice was lower and huskier than usual.

"Yoochun is worried about you," Jaejoong intervened. "He means you no harm."

Junsu glanced over at Jaejoong and smirked. "Is that so?"

"Of course it is. He loves you, Junsu."

"That's only because he wants to get into my pants. Men are all the same. Just like my hyung."

"Y-Your hyung," Jaejoong stammered in his speech, "hurt you?"

"Don't look at me with those sympathetic eyes. I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me. I could take care of myself."

"Junsu?" Yunho addressed.

"Stop calling me that. I'm not Junsu. My name is Junho."

"Your name is Junho?" the leader of their team inquired once more.


"What's going on?" Yoochun questioned. "Is he...possessed?"

"Junsu hyung is wearing my bracelet, therefore that shouldn't be possible," Changmin informed.

"I am Junho."

"Junho-sshi, where is Junsu?" Yunho inquired.

"Junsu is very upset, so he's resting. I'll take over in the meantime and make everything better in order for him to return."

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