Chapter 3: Conception

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            A week after everyone settled into Yunho's mansion, an e-mail came in for them. It was from a potential client to set up an afternoon appointment. If the case was accepted, it would be their first time working together as a team.

Yunho greeted a young couple at the door and led them into their client room where his four assistants waited with excitement as well as nervousness. When everyone was properly introduced, they sat down and listened to the purpose of the two's visit. Changmin left for a short while to get each of them a cup of tea before returning to his spot on the couch. The wife, Minah kept quiet and buried herself into her husband, Junki's protective arms seeming extremely paranoid. Her face paled with fright whilst listening to Junki explain the whole situation to the five they were seeking assistance from.

The fine looking pair had been married for a little over two years and were trying hard to have a baby; yet they weren't able to. Seeing Minah yearning terribly for a child, Junki went along with her every request. They visited clinic after clinic, specialist after specialist only to be told the same thing; there was nothing wrong with them. They were both perfectly healthy and the baby would happen eventually. All they had to do was to let life take its course and be patient. That was exactly what Minah didn't have; patience. She wanted to be a mother as soon as possible and was willing to do anything.

Minah came across an advertisement in a magazine for a hospital deep in a forest. It claimed to have an eighty percent success rate for conception. With hope in her eyes, Minah persuaded Junki to take her there. He couldn't reject, especially since she was smiling brightly at him; a side of her Junki haven't seen for months.

It was a three hour drive to the secluded hospital. Once they arrived, Minah couldn't wait to get out of the car. The moment she stepped near the tall metal gate with Junki accompanying beside her, she felt a chill. Suddenly, strong winds began to blow, swirling fallen leaves in their direction. Junki immediately used his body to shield Minah from the storm of leaves and dust from hitting her. The intensity of the wind prevented them from approaching any further. They had no choice but to depart and revisit the next day. After a half an hour drive, they found a hotel and rented a room to stay the night.

On the following morning, a similar incident repeated itself. This time, Minah became nauseous as a result of her lack of sleep from the previous evening. Junki told her to go sit in the car and wait for him there; she did what he suggested. He proceeded on his way to the entrance but like yesterday, the wind picked up and gusted more forcefully as he got closer to the gate. Rushing back into the car, Junki decided to wait it out. Strangely, everything stopped the moment he shut the door.

"That's odd." Junki opened the door and put one foot out of his vehicle; he felt a light breeze. The second he got out, the breeze gained strength. The moment he attempted to approach the gate, it was a windy vortex. Minah didn't want to see Junki get hurt and told him to give up when he was thrown to the ground with scratches on his face and hands from the debris.

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