Chapter 10: Comatose

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            Jaejoong glanced around the room to see if he could spot any spirits present but shook his head at Yunho indicating that there were none. Their gadgets didn't sense anything strange in the house as they separated to wander about with Daisuke's permission. Yunho decided that it was time to set up their equipment for further investigations. Using one of the rooms on the second floor as their headquarter, they paired up to occupy the remaining three rooms. Yunho and Jaejoong shared a room while Yoochun and Junsu stayed in another. They left a vacant room for Dongwook and Changmin who were scheduled to fly over the next day with a few other equipment.

Meanwhile back in Korea, Changmin and Dongwook packed their things along with the requested equipment. Dongwook bought chicken wings for Changmin and made dinner.

'He's not so bad,' Changmin thought as he bit into the last piece of barbeque chicken wing on his plate. 'Wait. That's my stomach talking. He's bad.'

"How are the chicken wings?" Dongwook inquired.


"Okay. I won't buy it from there anymore."


"I said, I won't buy chicken wings from there anymore."

Blinking confusedly, Changmin frowned. "Why not?"

"You just told me they were bad."

"I thought you were asking me about you," Changmin blurted out accidentally. "The chicken wings are delicious."

"So," Dongwook paused, "you think that I'm bad, huh?"
"I didn't say that."

"You just said..."

"Forget what I said. I can't think straight while I'm eating."

"I'll let you finish eating before I talk to you then."

"There's no need for that." Changmin wiped his lips and took his soiled plate into the kitchen.

"Just leave it in the sink. I'll wash the dishes."

"Alright. I'll go finish up your gadget and teach you how to use it later."

"I'm looking forward to it."

Changmin scrunched his lips, placed the plate in the sink and headed out to go upstairs. A couple hours later, he went to knock on Dongwook's bedroom door to give him a black gadget. It was a plain looking robot with white headphones and no other decorations on it.

"That looks like a ninja," Dongwook commented.

"According to your personal information, this suits you." Changmin taught the man how to put it on his wrist and function it.

"You might need to refresh my memory tomorrow. I've never used anything like this before."

Without answering, Changmin just gave the man a nod of the head. "I'm going to bed. You should too."

"That sounded like an invitation."

"What?" Changmin gasped. "No! Y-You go to your own bed."

"Are you going to join me there?" Dongwook teased.

"T-That's not going to happen. Good night." Changmin hurried down the hallway and into his room.

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