Chapter 7: Conception (case closed)

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            "Oh, no!" Jaejoong looked over at Changmin with concern laced in his eyes. "Is Yoochun, okay? I'm going in to get him."

Grabbing Jaejoong's arm to stop him from leaving, Changmin shook his head. "Yunho hyung told you to stay here, so it's best that you do. A place like that is probably infested with vengeful spirits. It might be too overwhelming for you to handle."

"What about Yoochun?"
"Junsu hyung is with him. Let's wait awhile longer and see what happens. We don't want to ruin the whole operation."

Jaejoong agreed and sat back down.

"Could you turn on the sound for Yunho hyung's microphone?" Changmin adjusted his headphones.

"Sure." Jaejoong placed his headphones on and did as the younger man requested.

Changmin raised the volume and the two listened to the conversation taking place inside. They were doing their introductions at the moment and the head nurse gave them a tour around the facility accompanied by brief explanations. She constantly repeated the success rate of their procedures yet wasn't very descriptive about the details. Yunho excused himself saying that he needed to use the restroom and walked out into the hallway. Making sure that no one was around him, Yunho spoke casually without lifting up his hand. The gadget on his wrist was able to pick up sounds within a ten feet radius.

"Jaejoong, could you hear me?" Yunho said softly.

"I'm here, Yunho," Jaejoong replied. "Do you sense anything?"

"Yes, I sense a lot of anger in here. There's definitely evil."

"Yunho, I think Yoochun is in trouble. Do you want me to come help get him out?"

"No, you stay put. There's no telling what they would do to you if you're in here."

Changmin switched over to Yoochun and Junsu's side the moment Jaejoong began talking with Yunho. "Jaejoong hyung, you have to hear this."

"Hold on for a minute Yunho. Changmin wants me to listen to something."


Jaejoong gave Changmin a nod of the head to indicate that he was now paying attention to him. The younger man turned on the sounds that were being picked up from Yoochun's gadget.

Help me. I'm stuck here. It was a female voice crying to them.

Give me back my life. I don't want to die. Another female voice interrupted.

Soon the voices began overlapping one another, and it was hard to distinguish them apart. Nevertheless, they were all along the lines of helping them get free from their entrapment in the place where they perished.

"There are so many of them," Jaejoong murmured.

Suddenly a voice stood out from the rest. It was a female and Junsu's voice merged together into one. "DIE!"

"J-Jun...Su." Yoochun struggled to speak.

"You must die," Junsu roared.

"Yoochun!" Jaejoong switched his microphone back to the team leader. "Yunho! Yunho, are you there?"

"Yeah," Yunho answered.

"Yoochun is in danger. I think Junsu is trying to kill him."

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