Prologue and Part I...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil once on the throne as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy


The voice flowed, quiet yet strong and rich...

"All seemed secure at last in the world. Though Winter was coming...Eventually...The War of the Five Kings had at last ended with Aegon Targaryen on the throne, subject to a Council of Seven Kings and a new Charter of Rights, these restraints on his power brokered by none other than his most powerful ally and friend, Lord Tyrion Lannister of Casterly Rock, Hand of the King. The young king was not entirely pleased to have his power checked but after Stannis Baratheron had destroyed one of his three dragons and had shown his potential ability to defend himself against them, he had no choice but to accept. Lord Stannis in his turn had reluctantly accepted that he could not hold out against both the Targaryen power and that of the Lannister forces backed by the Tyrells. As a result, with Danerys Targaryen agreeing to withdraw with one dragon to Essos and the other sent with Lord Jon Snow to the great Wall of the North to maintain a truce with the White Walkers, peace had seemingly come...Until they came...Just as Summer turned to Autumn..."

"What about Winter, Uncle?"

"It's coming...It's coming..." shrug, faint smile... "It has to come...One day..."

"Seems to take a long time..." the blonde-haired boy eyed the narrator...A figure in silks and leather, an adult, whose face indicated he'd seen years of hardship, even suffering...Emotional as well as physical... And yet a figure shorter than the boy as they sat, side by side on the stone bench in the large hall of the Red Keep of Kings' Landing. Its roof now open to the sky, the walls black and blasted, the beauteous stained glass windows shattered and melted...Through not from dragon fire.

"You asked to hear this..."

"Sorry, Uncle. Please?"

"Very well...As I say...So They came. At first in small numbers, studying our world. They could blend in you see, being much like us. But once they'd learnt we had little to fight them, they came in their hordes...For you see, they were not millions, like us...But billions... Not that they needed great numbers, given their weapons."

"Billions..." gasp...

"Yes...Godlike as they seemed to us at first, with their flying craft and their machine carriages and their electricity, they'd overrun their own world, despoiled and ruined it...And now they were spreading, like locusts into the Universe. That being the one thing that they taught us...That the Universe truly is more than our world here alone. That there are other worlds, other suns..."

"They only have one sun...We have two, right Uncle?"

"Yes, they told us of this...That the reason our seasons lasted for years was that we have a second sun, larger than the one we circle, that our world and its star orbit in rather odd fashion, sometimes coming close, sometimes keeping far away. On their world, seasons are short, less than a year. They knew nothing of the long winters on their world, though they now live on some worlds where they say it's always winter or always summer."

"I'd like to see those worlds, Uncle."

"I would too, Tommen. But I'm doubtful our 'friends' would allow it. They're not given to showing us such favor."

"The General says he's our friend...He's not though? Even if he ended the wars."

"No one who slaughters half our people is our friend Tommen. And he and his kind didn't end the wars, we did."

Game of Thrones Tales: The Ultimate Game:Book I-Back to the Throne RoomWhere stories live. Discover now