Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...Part XXVI

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXVI...

The somewhat loose border between the Free Cities' Republic and the Dothraki grasslands...

Loose given the Dothraki total rejection of any firm border, only the strength of the Republic's guard forces quietly backed by the Dirters' veiled fist...And the smoldering, still-radioactive ruins of Pentos...Preventing any major raids of nearby major towns or cities.

Ser Jorah offering his passport card to the border post guard, first the Republic's, then a suspicious-looking Dothraki who demanded a search of his mules and the sacks of goods on them...

"Certainly, my friend..." Jorah, in excellent Dothraki...The guard urging him over to a quiet spot.

"Ser Jorah, always welcome..." the tall, well-muscled and tattooed guard smiled to him, giving stern glance at the Republican guard who turned back to his paperwork in his booth.

"Haven't killed him yet?" Jorah noted, glancing back as well. Smiling wave to the other guard in his booth.

"Still not worth it and he keeps his woman's nose out of my business." The guard, one Kaal, shrugged. "No need to have to break in a new dog. How is she?" eager tone.

"Well, lovely as ever, and doing what she can for the People." Jorah nodded.

"Some say other wise. " steady gaze. "Some say she is no longer Khalessi , no longer Dothraki or Targaryen."

"Those 'some' are traitors and liars." Jorah, coldly. "Her heart is Dothraki, she remains Khalessi and the Stormborn Targaryen. What she does now, she does for the People, all the People."

"This is known, to some." Nod. "And I believe it so."

"Good. I've need to get on but let me give you a gift, my friend." Jorah smiled as the guard's face registered the usual pleaure.

Too often in these days of degradation, those seeking entry to the Lands must be "encouraged" to do the normal courtesy of a present...Some even appeal to the laws of Outers.

Always time-consuming...The burials, the paperwork...

But the good Ser Jorah knows the way of the Dothraki...The guard beaming at the sack of Dothraki gold in the form of drinking cups and chains.

"A few antique trinkets I was told you might find amusing, ole friend." Jorah smiled. "Properly purchased with the bills of sale, naturally. I know what a careful man you are about such things."

"One must be, these days, Ser Jorah." Sigh. "Let me stamp your passbook and you can be on your way...You might drop this and a few other packages off with my woman at Vaes New Dothrak. E street, number A2? With the large horns on the front door?"

"I'll be glad to...So, your woman finally took a place in town?" smile.

Narrow look, sigh. "Women, they love to root and nest. What can a man do if she pleases him? And the kids love their new school."

"Change is part of life, ole friend." Jorah, sympathetically. "But I shall deliver my gift and your other items, on my life." He presented his passbook.

"Stay the night if your business allows...There's wrestling on Channel B tonight."

"I would, gladly." Jorah nodded. "I've only a little to do in the new town and about before I make for Vaes Dothrak."

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