Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...Part XI

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XI...

Bravvos, capital of the Republic of the Free (No Longer, many would say, in secret places) Cities of Essos...

Marketplace, not far from the Palace of the Council and President, said Lady President Queen Danerys Targaryen...

A rather weary yet strong-looking man in the garb of a merchant carefully discussing prices of loomed cloths...Rather prized by the Dirters on their home world and so quite profitable...At several stalls. One or two of the lady sellers addressing him as both a customer of some acquaintance and a man of some appeal...

He smiled and nodded to a few, paying or making arrangement for payment after a modest degree of haggling, refusing a few others with friendly wave... "I'm just a poor man, you're too rich for me." He'd smilingly noted to one before pausing at another.

"Haggys?" he addressed the beaming, rather attractive despite her chubbiness, fortyish owner. "Anything special for me? That fabric last month did well."

"I knew I didn't charge you enough..." wide smile. "Indeed, I do, friend Jorah, come, come..." she waved him in, arch smile to a somewhat jealous stare by another, younger stall owner.

"Cantia Pentosa favors you..." she noted to the man as they went into a tent, she closing the flap behind them. A small radio playing Bravvosian music in the rear...

"One should be seen enjoying our benefactors' gifts..." she noted solemnly to his look at the radio... "And I like music." She beamed. "Welcome Jorah..."

Ser Jorah Mormont nodded, pulling off his cloak...

"You've gotten better but you still tend to pay cash too readily." She smiled at him, shaking head. "It may win you some friendly faces but it attracts attention..."

"I'm not the only former knight who's had to seek a new profession..." Ser Jorah pointed out. "I haven't concealed my name nor my past profession...I thought you felt I'd done well to do so."

"Gods, yes ...Any would have spotted and reported you the first day...And even if the Dirters are casual about such things, some of their minions..." she shrugged.

"We've had this argument before. Danerys is not their minion..." Jorah frowned quickly. "She believes she's acting in the best interests of the People."

"Yes and she would have slaughtered thousands in Westeros with her army and dragons to do so if Aegon and then the Dirters hadn't appeared." Frown.

"The Targaryens are the rightful heirs..."

"Then you should be content...The rightful King rules in Westeros and Danerys here in Essos...And given their allies, it's likely they'll never be overthrown." She cocked head at him. "So why spy for the opposition? To protect your little blonde queen?" Hard stare.

"We've been here before, Haggys. I'm not a traitor or double agent if you're suggesting that..."

"If I believed that I'd've killed you the first day, Jorah." Benevolent smile. "And you know I could. No, you're even more dangerous, in some ways...An honorable man, however tainted to the world."

"A fool, I take your meaning?" he asked, calmly. "At least, a useful one, I hope."

"Again yes...And again if not, you'd be dead at my or another's hands. We've no time for honorable fools, these days, Ser Jorah."

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