Game of Thrones: "Back to the Throne Room": Part XXXIX...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXXIX...

King's Landing...

Flea Bottom...Though still the poorest section of the capital of Westeros, some improvements, particularly in sewage, sanitation, and due to the introduction of electricity under the tutelage of the Dirters had resulted in carefully documented, as proof of Terran beneficence, gains in quality of life for the locals.

Though many would argue, in secret at least, the destruction of half the city during Stannis Barathreon's ill-fated Rebellion and the ever-increasing demands of the Dirters for workers and resources, not even allowing for those acts, all the more terrifying with only vague rumor and whispered tales to describe them, to suppress dissent and coordinated opposition... (And perhaps, the whispers noted, to allow the Dirters license to perform hideous works, carried out in secret,),,,Were far worse than the grinding poverty and easy violence of the past.

In one older building, a typical mostly mud-brick and wood firetrap, of the majority not yet demolished, despite the large animated billboards at every square proclaiming the rapid pace of a brighter future for all, to be replaced by some new and gleaming, if monotone, duraconcrete, magnasteel, and ultraglass structure. In a rather decrepit room, on the second floor of said firetrap, were gathered Ser Leyd, the feigning drunk he'd brought from the Compound, and a solidly built, grey-bearded, balding, middle-aged man, in maester's robes. Young Ser Leyd, in hooded cloak, head revealed now, regarding the scholar, Maester Flyster, the favored, if slightly ludicrous, given his age, "protégé" of Pycelle, with slight frown. He being rather of Tyrion's mind regards Pycelle and all his collection of portentous scholars. Always offering mysterious looks promising superior knowledge that rarely, if ever, in his opinion, bore fruit.

Still, the man knew his practical business, at least in this matter...And clearly had had to learn patience and a useful forbearance during his long, very long, protegeship under tutelage of a profoundly jealous, overbearing, and all the worse for his need of a brilliant assistant, superior. He watched as the maester carefully inserted the small metal ball he pulled out from the newly harvested "output" of the feigning drunk, Feltan Snow, (by the name he gave out, if not his true name best not enquired for), into a clear box of Terran origin, obviously designed to hold it.

The maester's protégé well ahead of the maester in understanding Terran technology, by the look of it, Leyd thought.

Snow, a rather small, if sturdy fellow, a talented cook, by avowed profession, and much favored valet, by experience, to several Terran officers in succession via necessity, his bouts of "drunkenness" long tolerated by the generally amused Dirters and the perhaps more stern Westerosians of the Compound for his talent and ability to amuse, naturally relieved to be relieved of his burden and likewise curious to see if the fruit of his labors would prove worthwhile, watching from a stool propped against a drab, bare mud and straw brick wall. Sipping a bit at a mug of ale, from a sack thoughtfully provided by the maester. All the smell of cheap ale, a degree of the taste, Snow had gratefully noted, but little intoxication effect.

"You're sure the Dirters can't trace this?" Ser Leyd asked Flyster, eyeing the laptop computer Flyster was manipulating on the room's rough-hewn table, it connected by cable to the box in which the data sphere now sat.

"It's off their 'line', unnetworked with no transmission. They can't."

"It is their technology. What about the ball itself? Perhaps it can contact their devices and network?"

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