Game of Thrones: "Back to the Throne Room"... Part XXXV...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXXV...

The Dining Hall of Castle Black...

Swept, scrubbed, and bestrewn, at the suggestion of Elyse, with Steward Joani's eager support, with flowers and hung with green garlands to greet the royal party, causing Tyrion to mock-solemnly joke that the place was becoming quite the tourist spot.

"Very fine..." King Aegon, dressed in royal robe and fur, gracious smile as he paused to let Lady Sansa sit on bench to his left, then took his seat at head of the first table in the chair of the Knights' Commander specially decorated for him with his sigil of the three-headed dragon. His Kingsguard at attention to either side of his end of the table, the Watchmen, male and female, standing at attention before their seats, Stewards, Sam at their head, lined up by the walls of the hall, bearing wine bottles and platters for the first course. The Acting Commander standing before his bench seat at the King's right hand, Tyrion just after...

At signal from the Commander, Sam stepped to the King's place and poured...Aegon nodding to him, then rising, glass in hand...Other stewards pouring round the tables after him.

"Gentlemen and Ladies...Our noble Knights of the Watch, Guardians of the Wall and Kingdoms, I drink to you!" Aegon drank from his glass, all the Watchmen at attention with glasses in hand.

"Your Majesty! Long life, health, and a peaceful, prosperous, and, by that, glorious reign!" the Acting Commander raised his. All Watchmen, Rangers, Builders, and Stewards, female and male, present in the Hall joining in, along with the Kingsguard and Tyrion and Sansa. Next to Tyrion, the Lieutenant likewise joining in...

To express the hope is not to deny the reality, Tyrion thought, drinking...


"So my brother is off to finish his tour?" Arya eyed the lean Watchman in reasonably well kept black...Commander Jon Stark's Watch obviously insisting on some care in dress for those likely to encounter the public south of the Wall, she thought, amused...Bledsa, who'd met them at the somewhat battered entrance to the Builders' Keep.

"Aye, Lady Stark..." careful looking over, then at Hanuk in her hooded shawl tightly wrapped against the dark, they regarding Bledsa's wizened and scarred face in turn. "He was eager to be off and back to the Wall to try and greet the King. Left some three hours ago."

"I imagine he would be..." Arya nodded, her hood pulled down, shawl about her shoulders. "Seems we've made a trip to no purpose, Mistress. Still, you will send after him?" she addressed Bledsa who shrugged, sighing.

"I'll do so gladly but it's not likely they can reach him before he returns to the Castle. Be it that urgent?"

"It may...There's a danger to his life, we were told." Arya, solemnly.

"From what or whom?"

"We don't know...We were only told he was in danger, eh, Mistress?" Arya turned to Hanuk who nodded

Bledsa sighed. "Well, the Commander's had threats before..."

"Really?" Arya frowned. "Who's been doing so?"

"Ma'am, pardon..." Bledsa, faintest smile... "He was King of the North...That sort of honor breeds such, by the cartload. Somewhat less since he resigned that crown for his current title. Though the new postal service ensures we get each one, usually unsigned. Some blaming him for not saving more Walkers, particularly their own kin, some claiming House Stark started the last war... Not a few angry that he didn't deign to respond to their protestations of undying love..."

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