Game of Thrones-Back to The Throne Room...Part XXXIII

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXXIII...

"So you'll be heading back up there, to the Wall?" Arya noted to Jon, smiling, as they strolled. Two Watchmen following behind at a distance now, as a rough honor guard, Arya having hinted it must seem a bit odd to the villagers who'd noted Jon's presence that the famed Watch Commander would not have such, even granted his reputation for Starkian simplicity.

"I will. This was just a quick inspection tour and to gather some supplies for the boys. In fact, I'll have to hurry back shortly, within a day. It's lucky I came down and fetched a few things, we've a royal visit in progress, including our brother-in-law."

"Really? The King and Court? Or is the King bringing help for you with the raiders?"

"Gods no." Jon shook head. "We'd all starve unless they'd brought an army's supplies. No, just a quick one, more a royal hunt. I imagine he'll want to know about what we're doing about Mother Love though."

She nodded. "Not anything dangerous...?"

Both as to visit and impending operations, Jon realized. "No, she's just a bandit leader. Old-style Wildling raids, with some legends to her credit. I just hope we can avoid killing them."

"There are laws now, of course." Arya, faint smile.

"I've no regret that we must account for killing people. I'd never particularly enjoyed it." Jon, carefully.

"It has to be done, sometimes."

"Sometimes." He nodded. "Any chance you and this young fellow of yours could come back with me? I'd love to show you the Wall and meet your intended." Wry smile.

"I don't know if my 'fellow' is ready to meet you, or his other brother-in-law, a bit overwhelming just to meet one of you...Both?" grin. "Is Sansa with Tyrion?"

"Don't know. I've just been told about the visit. They may be there now, it was rather impromptu."

"Well. A chance to see family and the King you serve is always nice." She paused. "Pault and I don't want to live in Westeros, too many bad memories. This is more of a long visit. Still, we've not decided for sure. I'll be visiting whoever's still left, relatives and all. Try to thank a few myself, who stayed loyal to the Starks. Perhaps I'll take you up on that visit offer, after your guests leave. No offense to Tyrion, tell him." Earnest face. "I don't know him well enough to say how I feel, but I'm willing to be guided by Sansa and you, it's just the King and all, a lot of fuss and curtsying, not really my style."

"I understand."

"I've sent word to them. That I'm here." She noted blandly. "And I will see them, later."

"I hope so. Sansa will dying to see how you are. Nothing I tell her will make up..." an old Jon Snow sheepish smile.

"I'm glad you have two sisters now. That's as it should be."

"She has been, a very good and loving one." He nodded. She halting.

"I've taken up too much of your time...The Night's Watch Commander ought to be hurrying to greet his King." She smiled at him.

"I wish I had more time, but I will have to head back to the keep and return tomorrow. I still want to meet this Pault whose nobility proclaims itself without title."

Game of Thrones Tales: The Ultimate Game:Book I-Back to the Throne RoomTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang