Game of Thrones-Back to The Throne Room...Part XXXII

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXXII...

The ancient dungeon of the Baratheon castle...Where the sole and topmost secret prisoner was receiving her visitor in rather reduced circumstances...

"Are you well, my Lady?" Davos asked carefully.

Rather difficult to put such a question to her, thin, self-scarred, and naked, completely, as she is...Still...

She eyed him a long, silent moment, then nodded. "Well, my Lord." She looked away and down for a moment.

"Have you come...?" she struggled a bit with words... "Am I needed, once again?"

"No. Not at this time, Lady. It's just my regular visit. I come each two weeks as I may, if you recall."

"Yes...Forgive me..." she brushed her cheek with a hand. "The days come and go, always the same, I've no idea how much time passes."

"Willum can send you down a calendar, to mark the days. If you wish it."

She looked at him. Then shook head... "No, I've no need for Time...Days...What news of the world, Ser Davos?"

"All as it was...The Dirters tighten their grip...We endure it." He eyed the naked woman in her cell. "Would you not care to put a fur on, my Lady? You must be cold."

"The Lord warms me. He burns within. Do you not feel it from me?" a somewhat bizarrely lewd grin which faded as he eyed her calmly.

"No. And I see you shivering...Would you do me a kindness and put the fur on?" he indicated a fur robe on the sleeping bench behind her.

"If you wish, my Lord." She went and pulled the fur about her. "Is that better?"

"Much..." nod.

"I would do more for you, my Lord." She looked down. "If you would let me...I have done much already."

"What you've done...Since your crimes...Was not for me, my Lady." He noted sternly.

The boy?" she eyed him. "I remember the boy..." she paused. "The bastard of Lannister, not the other you so pitied. My gift to you."

"Your gift to the gods...An act of atonement which does not begin to clear your soul." He noted firmly.

"You are cruel, Ser Davos." She eyed him.

"No, my Lady. Just."

"I brought the boy back, when you pleaded for him and his mother. Just as I brought Lord Stannis back, even though he was not the Chosen One. As I risked my life to restore your friend." Nervous smile.

"So you did. And Lord Stannis, who requested it of you, not me...Though I pitied the poor innocent boy...Was grateful. As was his Queen, his last one."

"His new Queen was not grateful to me." Melisandre, wan smile. "She took it as her due, her arrogance destroyed her."

"She pleaded, here, with me...She was humbled then, you remember that. And I must allow her that, as a father, that she begged for her boy." Davos shook head. "I don't doubt her arrogance brought her low, but that was long before those final days."

"She burned...With Stannis...In the Dirters' false fire..."

"She did. He did. Does it please you to know that?" quietly.

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