Part VIII...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room…

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part VIII…

The young woman in noble robes, carefully "made up" in Terran cosmetics, beamed out at her audience...Carefully following instructions to look at the red dot and smile, though far less nervous, Sansa noted, then she'd been at the first Council broadcast…

She frowned, adjusting the projected image. There…Sansa sat back in her chair, the image now sharp and large on the bedroom wall before her. The brunette young woman smiling in her seat as she gazed out at the world via what Sansa knew was a rather small box with cylinder rather like the optic tube she'd once seen used to stare at distances and the heavens.

"Good morning Westeros and welcome to the Westeros Network News broadcast coverage of the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers of the United Kingdom of Westeros. I'm Lady Janine Melwyn live from the Council chamber where our King and His Ministers will shortly meet to review the current state of affairs for the Kingdom. But first, after a word from our gracious sponsors, the Tyrell Corporation of Highgarden, building new infrastructure and modern housing for Westeros…And the Microsoft Corporation of E'arth, bringing you the latest technologies from across the stars to bring your life into a new era of peace and prosperity, the news." Lady Janine pausing, with barely noticeable glance to her Dirter director off camera…Sansa frowning as the Tyrells' commercial message began, featuring long-winded praise of their efforts for the Kingdom's and the World's good.

Have to admit the Dirters at least have amusing commercial messages…If hard sometimes even for a skilled linguist like herself to follow, minus cultural references.

For example, she still wasn't quite sure why a half-naked Dirter woman, clearly a prostitute by Westeros standards, behaving lewdly in one of their mechanical carriages should be a necessary inducement to purchase such a wonder…Though only a future claim on such, there not yet being production facilities set up and importation from Dirt or her subject worlds too expensive for all but those prominent enough to receive such as a gift from the Terran government.

"Watch the Big Bang Theory and NOVA, on TV Westeros and Westeros net, starting at eight, followed by the new hit comedy, locally produced…" Lady Janine, a note of pride… "The Butterbumps Follies" starring that irrepressible master of wit, Petyr Butterbumps…Brought to you by House Tyrell."

Lords, thought Sansa, smiling a bit…If poor ole Littlefinger only knew dear Butterbumps the Clown had taken Petyr for a first name?…Or had it actually always been his first name?

But, if he'd only known that she, his reluctant pupil, had heeded his lessons on dissembling and concealment of one's true feelings, he might not today lie in an unmarked grave, far below the Eyrie's Moon Door.

"And now, the newest…The News…" Lady Janine, solemnly. Sansa ignoring the rather dull reports of local crime and punishment…She got better and better told such direct from Tyrion…

Lady Janine, former lady-in-waiting turned News reader…Quite a step up in some ways, Sansa noted. In others, perhaps not so much…

Though one of her most diligent pupils, one had to give her that. She being determined to nail the Dirters' E'nglish as well as master various Essosian dlalects. She hoped to soon be allowed to do real reporting from the "field" she'd noted eagerly to Sansa at their most recent lesson.

Game of Thrones Tales: The Ultimate Game:Book I-Back to the Throne RoomWhere stories live. Discover now