Part V...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room…

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part V…

His Majesty having taken his place at the head of the table, Margaery at his right, his Kingsguards standing, flanking him, the Grand Maester Pycelle seated to his left, the General next to Margaery at her right, Tyrion accepted the King's friendly greeting with nodding smile.

"My Lord Hand…I should ask you to sit by me but I see you're with dear Lady Sansa and I wouldn't want to break into your chance to share a few words, given how busy you both are."

"Eh, I would be very happy to give up my seat, Your Grace…" Pycelle, made a vague gesture at rising feebly…

"No, I wouldn't hear of it, Grand Maester…" Tyrion waved a hand. "The King and I will speak at our appointed time or when His Grace wishes. I wouldn't wish to fatigue you…And I do appreciate His Majesty's gracious willingness to let me spend the evening with my Lady."

Nor allow you to pester her, you miserable old lech…

Noncommittal smile from Pycelle… "No one could wish to be parted from the company of so gracious a lady, my Lord Hand."

Tyrion, slight nod of acknowledgement…

"You'll outlive us all, old feller…It's that eye you have for the pretty ones." the Senator, heartily…A titter round the table…Pycelle smiling broadly.

"Senator Hartwell…You are most welcome back to our world. And how is the noble land of our benefactors these days?"

"Earth's still there, as lil' Lannister here asked." The Senator, chuckling…Appreciative echo…

"Just foolin' with ya, Tyrion. You know you're the biggest man here in spirit."

"Indeed, my Lord Hand Lannister has always been a large fellow in so many matters…" Pycelle, smiling. "It's no wonder he has the King's full confidence in all affairs of state. A brilliant mind coupled to a most noble spirit…The perfect representative of the King throughout his realms…"

Oh, Lords…Tyrion sighed.

Bad enough when he casts verbal daggers at me…But a thousand times worse when he makes me the subject of a panegyric.

"Thank you, Grand Maester." Sansa cut him off in mid-effusion. "Your Grace, was the sport today satisfactory? Her Majesty told me of your hunt with Chairman Kach at Riverrun. It can be so hard to find worthy game these days, I'm told."

Thank you, dearest…Tyrion shot grateful look. She giving half smile.

"Indeed, yes, my Lady Sansa." Aegon smiled graciously. "Fortunately the preserve where we hunted has been well-stocked. I brought down a boar and two stags, with spear."

"I doubt Dick used a spear…" the Senator guffawed. "What'd he manage? Your Majesty…" added as afterthought.

"No, to be sure…The Chairman preferred his own weapon of choice, a hunting rifle. But he did well, a couple of ducks and a stag." Aegon noted.

"How did you find Riverrun, dearest?" Margeary, smiling. "I'm sure Lady Sansa is more anxious to hear the seat and her Tully relatives remain well and whole than anything else."

"Very lovely as always…Your cousins are well, my Lady…" Aegon looked down to Sansa. "And the development of the Realm's Allotment continues apace. You would hardly know the old wilderness and fields. All is booming, as the Chairman likes to say." He pronounced the Terran English word "booming" carefully.

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