Part II...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room…

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part II…

I say it as a personal mantra, a dozen times a day…"I miss her. I miss my wife." Tyrion thought as he paused to luxuriate in the embrace in which he was now enfolded.

"Dearest…" Sansa whispered. "Another day safe, another gift from the gods." She squeezed.

"Not if you squeeze any tighter, my love." He gasped, chuckling. She maintaining the embrace, pulling head back to look at him. "Liar…" shrewd look. "You're so slippery an eel you'd…Pop…Right up and out." She grinned.

"I suppose you know we have a dinner engagement." He noted. She sighing…

"Fuck it, yes…" grimly.

"Dear…" he sighed in turn. "I fear your sainted mother's spirit will finally hurl me out the Eyrie Moon Door for the way I've influenced your language."

"And if she did, I'd stop her. And tell her, we'd all be together if our 'nobility' had enabled her to see you just once as you are."

"Heavens forbid…She'd really kill me." He gave mock-horrified stare. "Can you bear it or should I make excuse? I can give you something mild…You could vomit, accidentally on the General himself." Grin.

"You wicked Imp." She grinned back. "No, I'll not let you suffer alone. I can bear it. And maybe I'll hear something useful."

"Sansa." He gave her a worried look. "If you hear something, that's fine. But don't go playing spy. These people may find you charming and amusing but they're utterly convinced at heart that we are nothing but animals who happen to look a lot like them. Don't trust too far in their smiles and little kindnesses. We're pets to them…Playthings. And sometimes playthings get broken, just for the hell of it."

"I'll be careful." She nodded. "Haven't you always said, I would survive us all?" smile.

"I pray each day to the gods, even that Dirt God, for that." He gave wan smile. "So, how were things at school and the orphanages and hospitals? Did you have a good day? Did the Queen go with you?"

"Margeary was there at the Orphanage." Sansa suddenly solemn. "Tyrion? She was worried about Aegon's new treaty."

"Another? What did they ask for this time? Our underwear and the blood of our children's children's children?"

"He didn't mention it to you…The Council?"

"Nothing, no…" he paused, heading to the door of the kitchen and opening… "Hello?! May? A tankard of ale for me…And one for the Mistress."

"Getting me drunk before dinner?" Sansa smiled.

"It's my way of courting…You know that. Besides, you didn't say no." he noted shrewdly.

"I suppose I could use it." She nodded. "It was a long day."

"My Lady…My Lord." May, a tall, thin girl in servant outfit brought in two tankards on a tray and set them on a long dining table.

"Thanks, May. We are going out to dinner tonight, sorry if that disrupts Nan's plans."

"I already warned her we'd be going…" Sansa, hastily.

"Oh, good then. Though I rather like recooked. Nan never gets my meat as black as I like the first time. Well, May, you and Nan may take the evening off, starting as soon as you take this tray in. Get along with you. But don't exceed curfew." Stern wag of finger. "I can't always use my influence to get you two wildlings out of trouble, you know." He smiled.

Game of Thrones Tales: The Ultimate Game:Book I-Back to the Throne RoomWhere stories live. Discover now