Game of Thrones: "Back to the Throne Room" Part XLI...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XLI...

Five years previous...

The Little Council of Westeros...Meeting at Storm's End in the old Baratheon keep owing to the forced evacuation of the monarchy from Kings' Landing, now under control of Stannis Baratheon's forces and under siege by a mix of Westeroian combined forces, troops from Queen Danerys' army, her single remaining dragon in reserve, and backing them up but not as yet employed the unique forces of the Terrans, ostensibly here only as impartial observers, seeking peaceful resolution of the conflict, though known by both sides to be backers of the monarchy of Aegon VI Targaryen, again in the guise of pursuers of peace and prosperity for Westeros and Westeros-Essos as a whole.

Tyrion, Lord Hand, presiding...King Aegon in gracious deferring attendance at the other end of the table...Also present His betrothed Lady Margeary Tyrell (Her title of Queen kept quiet since Tommen's resurrection), and her father Mace, Minister of Finance, representing the House Tyrell and Highgarden, Minister of Science and Natural Philosophy, Grand Meister Pycelle, Minister of Trade and the Navy, Davos Seaworth, Elias Martell, Councilor representing Dorne, and acting as emissary of Queen, Sea President and Khalessi of the Plains Dothraki, Danerys of the Free Cities of Essos and the Plains , Lord Varys, her Minister Prime...

Despite efforts to provide tapestries and the presence of the Kingsguard, yet woefully reduced to no more than four in the Chamber and three outside, still resplendent in their well-polished if somewhat battle-scarred and worn armor, a sadly down-at-heel comparison to the glories of the old Red Keep... Not to mention the well-mended but likewise worn robes of the Councilors, even Lady Margeary's finery not that of her days as Queen...

"If I understand your Majesty it seems the Terrans cannot be dissuaded from an all-out attack unless Stannis surrenders." Tyrion, calmly.

"He must surrender...He has betrayed his oath of fealty." Aegon, insistent. "And he cannot hold Kings' Landing against our forces, let alone ours and the Terrans combined. Lord Varys? The Queen Our Aunt is standing with us, despite her loss which We join Her in mourning?"

"The Sea President and Queen remains your loyal ally and loving Aunt, Your Highness." Varys bowed. "The loss of another of her beloved children weighs on her soul but she will keep her forces in the field and maintain the siege with you."

"To be fair, your Majesty, Stannis never officially swore fealty to you. He merely pledged he would accept the decision in Council of the remaining great Houses to have you crowned as King. A technical point perhaps, but to a man like him, an important one." Tyrion noted. "And after the Terrans made themselves known and since they've been increasing their...Requests of us, he did warn us he would resist them."

"Stannis is a fool to take heart from destroying one dragon..." Aegon frowned. "The Terrans are the true Dragons and they stand with me, the rightful King. What they ask of us is inconsequential to what they offer." Shaking head.... "His escaping Death, however miraculous, means nothing compared to the power Our allies wield. Why will he not see the Truth?!" sudden bang of fist on table, Varys and Tyrion regarding him unperturbed...Davos wincing a bit...Pycelle watching calmly but carefully.

"He is a brave fool, that most dangerous combination." Varys sighed. "But...A brave and skilled fool who holds the capital and has the usurper Queen by his side."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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