Game of Thrones: "Back to the Throne Room" Part XL...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XL...

[AU pause...It's been a while since I continued and the series has naturally veered ever further from my AU so just to sum up...

The Walkers never breeched the Wall before the arrival of the far more deadly menace of the Terran Dirters...


Danys did not go mad and is a puppet Queen (Sea President of the "free" Cities of Essos) for the Dirters...Her charming but unstable nephew Aegon (not Jon) is an ally of the Dirters ruling Westeros, supposedly also "free".

And ...

Tyrion and Sansa resumed their marriage voluntarily after the settlement of the throne on Aegon and just before the presence of the Dirters became known.

Melissandre is Tyrion's lost wife Tish and alive...Yes, I do explain how she can be a 400 years old creature...

Jorah is alive...In Essos, a spy for the Resistance...

There are 2 Aegon Targaryens...One known publicly now as the legitimate son of Rhaegar, in fact the secretly rape-spawned son of the mad King Aerys II and Elia Martell Targaryen, saved by a nurse, and hidden in Westeros for decades, the other Jon Stark Snow. Jon has returned to the Knights' Watch as Commander...Sam has rejoined him but is continuing training as a Meister. Aegon, son of Rhaegar was accepted by Danys as her nephew and the rightful heir of Westeros in order to secure peace when Jon refused to press his claim and managed to conceal his heritage from the general public, though some in power or its imitation, including Danys and Tyrion, are aware of it. Tyrion's decision to back Aegon as a Westerosian born, with knowledge of the land to break the stalemate over the Iron Throne and end the war of the Five Kings increasingly weighs on him as Aegon demonstrates his instability and willingness to embrace Dirter oppression to back his rule.

Mace and Margeary survived the blast thanks to Lancel Lannister's sudden burst of conscience and Tyrion, being smuggled out at the last minute...And hidden for a time while Oleanna waited to see how things sorted out.

Tommen was revived as a mercy to Cersei at Stannis' demand/request of the imprisoned Melissandre, after she had secretly revived him as an apology for her misleading him as to his destiny. However, Tommen suffered some brain damage, mostly in memory loss, due to a longer than usual period dead, and coupled with psychological stress has forgotten his brief tragic reign and marriage to Margeary. His survival and status as a potential rallying point is kept secret from the Dirters by identifying him as a distant Baratheon cousin.

Cersei is dead...Died opposing the Terrans in a last stand at the Red Keep with a revived Stanis Baratheon, her last lover in fact. Guess he was more appealing after death... (Yeah, I explain how Melissandre revived him and his severed head. First, Tish was always good with needle and thread...). Stannis vaguely hoped his weapons, (wildfire, Gregor, and a form of super gunpowder not yet mentioned, firepowder, which accounted for one of Danys' dragons during the last civil war.) and his sort of Undead condition would yet bring him victory but largely wanted to die in a good cause out of guilt over his wife, daughter, and brother. Cersei having lost Jamie to Brienne of Tarth and seeing no way to gain the Throne except by alliance with her husband's brother was startled to find herself in a romance, however doomed.

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