Part III

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room…

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part III…

The vast dining hall of the former Guild of Merchants' Hall, now requisitioned by the Terran Development Forces as their principle offices and quarters of senior staff and visiting dignitaries…Just across from the New Palace, a former great merchant's grand palace taken over by King Aegon after the fall of Kings' Landing and destruction of the Red Keep during Stannis' Rebellion.

The beautiful art work, stained glass, and exquisite hand-crafted wood furniture contrasting with the rather spartan steel, collapsible tables, desks and chairs of the Occupiers, though here in the great hall it was still the original Westeros furnishings that predominated.

Terran…Or as most of the locals would say, at least in private, "Dirter"…Soldiers on guard at various positions, other soldiers and staff in civilian clothes, including a number of locals, a few in Terran dress, hurrying to and fro on various missions. But at the far end of the hall, under the great window of hand-worked stained Dornian glass, a group of officials at table…A mix of Occupiers and Westerosians, including a few Essosians from the former Free Cities, now governed, many would say as a puppet for the Terrans, by Danerys Targaryen in her capital at Braavos.

A group of three soldiers who'd met Tyrion and Sansa at the main door and formed a sort of honor guard for them, politely keeping slight distance from Tyrion's own bodyguard, two former famed knights of the Lannister bannerguard, now with equal courtesy asked them to pause while their sergeant announced their arrival.

"At least they do try to do things with a little more style these days…" Tyrion noted to Sansa, smiling at her in her gown. "I shouldn't forget to say how lovely you look, my dear."

"Wish you'd take the trouble to comb your hair…" she frowned, eyeing him.

"I did…I certainly did…But it's my Lannister hair and being Lannister hair it rebels against being trapped on this hideous frame. Naturally it aches to be on a Jamie or at least a Joffrey." He grinned.

"It should be grateful in both cases…" she licked her hand and started smoothing his hair. "And what have I said about this endless self-deprication?"

"A little…Very good, Sans, I always love that…Goes a long way…" he smiled. "All right, I shall promise to take myself at least as well as you do, for whatever delusional reason you do."

"Tyrion…" she hissed.

"Well, at least so in front of our hosts…" he replied, nodding. She giving half-smile and nod.

"Please, Minister…Lady Lannister…" the sergeant came to them.

"Lady Stark, Sergeant…" Tyrion corrected, gently. "We don't always change last names in our noble families here…"

Sansa, grateful beam…But leaning to his ear…"It's all right, so long as it's your branch…" gentle smile.

"Sorry, sir…Lady Stark." The sergeant nodded, leading them on.

"So they says to me…" the hearty rich voice, speaking in the main Dirter tongue, Anglish…Or Englesh, was it? Tyrion pondered.

"…Oh…But this is the most sacred temple of God knows what the fuck they called it there and you cannot relocate it without risking the wrath of whoever, Senator. So I says to the little fellers… 'Fellers, like Harry Truman, I'm from Missouri, US, Earth, and I say…You can either move it…Or lose it…Up to you. Cause we are gonna git that crystal deposit. So they put on a face and whined and went on about treaties and sacred promises and what not, but in the end, they damned well moved the whole thing…And in a day, like I told them. " Guffaw, expansive tone… "That's the way to deal with them, General…On Tau Ceti V and here…Don't take no nonsense."

Game of Thrones Tales: The Ultimate Game:Book I-Back to the Throne RoomTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon