Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room... Part XII

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XII...

Council Chamber broadcast, Great Hall of the United Kingdom of Westeros...

King Aegon, crown modestly put aside on cushion on chair next him, now at light metal podium to give a brief closing "State of the Kingdom" speech..."And, with my gracious thanks to my ministers, my dear Lord Hand..." smile to Tyrion... "You, my good Councilors..." benevolent nod to the general chamber... "And our good friends from the stars, the Terrans...I close this meeting with all my best wishes to my dear subjects. May the Seven bless you all and may peace and prosperity reign in our kingdom and our world."

Fervent clapping from the chamber, the Terran authorities, including the seated General...The Senator...and Chairman Kach, seated next to the Senator, a rather amused look on his arrogant face. Aegon graciously nodded to the applause, motioning for his Ministers to rise as well. All rose, a few clapping to the King.

Father would have gotten on with Kach...Tyrion thought, briefly eyeing the Chairman. They'd've been mortal enemies but Father would have understood him as a man, more or less, and Kach, if I understand him, would have come to a degree of respect for him...After a minor defeat or two of some sort had proven Father's ability.

And then...He'd've spared no effort to destroy him and as much of our world as that took...

Me, however...

Well, that may be a blessing...If a disguised one.

Though I must never underestimate these people. It's tempting to do that when judging them as people...Their edge in technology and science being so overwhelming as to make them practically gods, one is easily tempted to grasp at anything that makes them more human...Vulnerable. One wants to believe they can be fooled...Beaten...On a personal level.

He has, after all, dealt with many like me...On those other worlds, some of whom he and his kind did not hesitate to destroy as they destroyed Stannis and Pentos...

Worlds he...Or his minions...Or at least others of his kind...Boiled....

Even Father would be impressed by that...

What version of "Rains of Castamere" would suit that, eh Father? Poor Father, whose beloved house started to come crashing down the day Jon Arryn got too nosey about Robert's bastards.

One wonders...If that miserable Littlefinger and that treacherous snake Varys hadn't lured Ned Stark to destruction...If the war hadn't started...If the Houses had been united under Robert.

But surely, only more lives lost...Kings' Landing, Robert and Cersei burned with Robert the one bellowing his defiance, Cersei perhaps even happy to die with him...Father would have surrendered whatever survived quickly, I'm sure.

And done as I do...Only perhaps under more suspicion...

No offense, Father...But for all your wiles, you were just too obviously capable of leading a resistance however skillful you might be in concealing it.

Well, you would not have been Hand for long I imagine. The General would have persuaded Aegon even if Aegon's natural inclination wouldn't have moved him to act against Father.

What might have been curious would have been the interim, before the Dirters came in force...When we thought we were fighting the last battle, against that long awaited menace from the East. The Targaryen claimants.

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