Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room... Part XV

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XV...

Bravvos, capital of the Republic of the Free Cities of Essos...

At least, so-called...

Hall of the Senate of the City...

Where the First Sea Lady and President, Danerys Targaryen, seated in her chair of office in her robes of sea-green and gold, presiding over a sitting, was yet again facing a modest yet growing dissent from the appointed Senators.

Who, despite being carefully vetted in their appointments, have an unfortunately long memory of their city being founded by escaped slaves and none of her or her family ever having been granted any claim to rule outside the veiled threats of King Aegon and his terrifyingly powerful allies.

Threats credible enough in light of the Dirters' constant display of wonders, the massacre at Pentos several years before, and the slaughter at Kings' Landing before that...But which the distance of her allies, the Lady President's hesitation in calling upon their aid, and her general tolerance had made slightly less so, over time.

"Senators!" A tall, husky man of middle years, dark-haired and of a proud bearing, one of the First Families of the Freed, had risen. "I say no to this theft!...Of our lands, of our wealth, of our children! We are not slaves to grovel before any lord, no matter how powerful!..."

A few seconding cries of "Here, here..." but relatively modest and largely from those retained from the older generation, capable of remembering a time when the world was free...

Standing next to Danerys, in his formal black robes, Lord Varys...Rather more amused than perturbed despite having just been cut off in mid-speech...

Danerys, however, somewhat distressed...Raising hand to speak, silencing all other speech...

"Senators...My Lord. Allow the Minister Prime to finish..." she insisted.

The speaking Senator...Lord Harvon, a leading member of the Iron Bank and long one of the leaders of the city...Eyed the eunuch with contempt.

"By all means, My Lady President..." with flourish. "I meant no disrespect to the Minister."

"Many thanks, Senator Harvon..." Varys smiled. "Gentles and Senators all..." he eyed the grim crowd...All united only by their fear and hatred of the Dirters and he, himself, denounced as ever in whispers and in corners wrongly deemed secure, Danerys, however, managing to generally escape their wrath.

The Senator and the General had indeed been wise to agree to confirm her rule in the Free Cities...She having managed, somehow, to win the hearts of the people despite being a most obvious tool of the Occupiers and her half-brother. In part, no doubt to her sincere concern for the people...Though Varys could not help but admit to himself he doubted a plain young princess, however noble-hearted and well-intentioned, minus her dazzling smile and remarkable beauty would have retained those hearts.

Still, neither he nor to the credit of her good sense, Danerys, believed the Senators and other powerful ...Or, most cases, formerly powerful... Citizens regarded her as anything more than a well-meaning, at best, figurehead for her half-brother and the forces behind him.

But of course the miserable eunuch, the dark Maester of Shadows, the corrupt parasitic "favorite"...Hardly, he thought with wry inward smile...Danerys being barely able to tolerate his personal presence for more than the briefest periods...The toady of the Occupiers, was a much finer target for their wrath, particularly since raised to prominence as Minister Prime...

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