Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room... Part XVI

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XVI...

The moving tent city of Mother Love and her followers, north of the great Wall, briefly in camp...Men and women in wildling leather and fur rushing about. Some on horseback, a few riding in Dirter vehicles...Personnel carriers and advanced jeeps, even a few mag-hovers, all camouflaged as tents on carts or painted to look like the forests from prying eyes watching on the ground or above it.

The tall, erect figure of Mother Love calmly watching the cremation, with all due ceremonial, of the rebel Tomace the Caller, Hanrk, son of Mance Raider, and the pathetic Syms Snow whose spirit had failed him and led him to betray his friends to the Council of Sons...

"I weep for them, Chase..." she turned to the middle-aged man beside her, who had carried out the executions on her orders as quickly and mercifully...The fulfillment of the "mercy" offered to Syms...As possible. "Tomace, most of all...My Caller. The best of those who first came to me here. I weep for them all but Hanrk pledged to me without heart, seeking his father's lost place...And Syms was weak. Tomace, my Tomace was once so strong in Grace, Chase."

"Yes, Mother...But their foul souls are cursed forever." The man, dutifully.

"I think over and over how I failed to hold them to me. I failed them, Chase." She gave a slight sigh.

"The blind who will not see and the deaf who will not hear cannot be saved, Mother." He shook head. "Nothing matters but the Day of Reckoning when the Children will be freed and that they heed the Mother always afterward in the Age of Plenty and Grace."

"When they will live as Nature intended..." she nodded, patting them. "Without 'cities' and 'towns' or talk of 'culture' and 'civilization', free in the wild their ancestors here and elsewhere should never have left...Children of Nature and the Mother. The spark that will free all the Children of Nature on all the worlds."

"Yes, Mother...After the Day..."

"And the Day is coming, Chase...More flock to us every day. Nowhere has my Word been so heeded as here. Even on those worlds that freed themselves for a time, they took my gifts and scorned the Word...And were punished as they deserved." She noted.

"Scourged by fire and rad-ation...Sorry, Mother, the word is not known to me." Chase, apologetically.

"You've no need of it..." she patted him. "Stay in the words of the People till the Day comes and we abandon such for the simple words of the Truth...The only words needed."

"Yes, Mother..." Chase nodded. "When we will roam again, free as we once did...No more driven by Walkers or Dirters or the Southern great Lords."

"Nothing but the freedom of the Children of Nature." She nodded, beaming. Then looking back at the ashes and remains. "Tomace had a mate, Elyse? She lives?"

"Aye, Mother. He led her out, she lives in Darkness now, out there." He indicated the wild forest beyond them. "Cursed like him."

"Have his goods and belongings left for her by truce flag. And whoever waits with them for her is tell her Mother loves her and aches to see her so lost...Beg her to return to Grace."

"You are too kind, Mother."

"If she refuses...She's to be killed. I don't want Tomace's poison to be spread by his kin. Quietly, without great notice but make it clear it was done in the name of the Mother. Seize her children if they are with her or can be found and have them brought to be saved by Grace."

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