Game of Thrones: "Back to the Throne Room": Part XXXVI...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXXVI...

The Dining Hall of Castle Black, currently resounding with an old melody of Westeros, sung by Samwell Tarly's more accomplished Stewards and less well by some of the Watch at table. Aegon merrily joining in from his seat, as were Tyrion and the Acting Commander, Sansa watching with amusement, having noted it too low and unfamiliar to her to join in.

"Till the snows do cover our...Bones..." long drag out on the "Bonnnneeesss..."

"You've never heard this one, my Lady?" Aegon smiled at her. "I understood it to be a well-loved North tune."

"She's deceiving us, Your Grace..." Tyrion mock-frowned at her. "She'd rather it not be known a genteel lady should have been acquainted with this one."

"Please, I've heard and sung far worse." Sansa grinned, just a bit of blush at Aegon's kindly smile.

"We're teasing her too much, Lord Hand." Aegon, mock-reproving. "My Lady, forgive us."

"Not at all your Grace..." she beamed. "But allow me to punish my wicked husband in my own way later."

"Granted...As I would willingly anything of honor to you, Lady." Smiling bow.

"Pardon, your Grace...Pardon..." Tyrion, mock-pleading. "My little witch is just too cruel."

"Impossible, my Lord Hand." Aegon demurred, wave of hand at him, smile to Sansa. "You'll have to bear her wrath. So, Lady..." he addressed Sansa who archly smiled at Tyrion.

"...What punishment does your husband deserve for all he's put you through? It seems to me he's mocked your devoted love cruelly."

"None that I wouldn't endure myself for love of him." Sansa, quick reply.

"The fair answer of a loving heart..." Aegon nodded. "And yet, there's nothing more cruel than to betray loyal devotion and love. You're getting off too lightly, my friend." Smile to Tyrion.

"I know I couldn't bear such betrayal." Quiet smile.

"May you never know such...Your Grace." Sansa hastily as the room quieted, a few looking over to the King. Her face paling only slightly as Tyrion glanced at her.

"I'm sure I never shall...Not from my loving subjects nor my loyal advisers." Aegon, gracious nod.

"What about another of these wonderful songs?!" Tyrion urged, hearty tone. "Watchman Tarly...Our budding Maester to be, how about you?" he turned to a waiting Samwell, who like the others had noted the slight chill in tone.

"Well, my Lord..." Samwell hesitated. "I'm not much for singing..."

"There's a pity...You seem fit to be a fine singer." Tyrion smiled. "Ah, but how about something a bit different..." he turned to the Lieutenant seated next to Sansa. "Our guest the Lieutenant must know some interesting songs suitable for feasts and social occasions on many worlds. You were born off-E'arth, isn't that right?"

"Trantor, Lord Tyrion." The Lieutenant nodded. "I do know one good one, from Earth."

"Please, by all means..." Tyrion waved. "Your Grace?" he turned to Aegon who'd recovered his joviality.

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