Game of Thrones-Back to The Throne Room...Part XXX

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXX...

(Note-slight premature notes at the end of 29 now fixed but it showed some of you where we're headed)

The Wall...Castle Black...

"Are you bookish then?" a woman's voice called to Samwell as he sat, reading and carefully taking notes at table.

"It's my study for my Maestership..." he replied...The woman, the refugee Wildling, Elyse, widow of the late Tomace, eyeing him as she sat at a long table nearer the fire in the great hall, with her two children who were happily engaged in eating platters of stew Sam had had brought for them.

"You're a scholar, not a crow, then?" she asked.

"Bit of both, not much of either..." he looked over.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting ye...My late man was a bit bookish." Smile. "I rather like to read meself, at times when things allow." Wan look at his regard. "I suppose that's strange to ye, a Wildling, a woman as well, who enjoys letters?"

"Not at all. My wife Gilley likes to read. She's studying at the Citadel herself now."

Elyse, surprised look.... "You've a wife? I thought crows took vows..."

"Commander Stark made them optional, with the approval of the surviving senior officers. Had to, really. Too few men available and when we took on a few women, well..." wide smile.

"Hard to keep hands off when so close..." grin. "Even for you dedicated crows?"

"Some still prefer the full vows..." Sam sighed a bit. "But, times change."

"Me seekin' the protection of crows surely makes that true words, Maester Tardy."

"Not yet. Watchman is quite enough...Quartermaster more honest...But you're welcome to call me, Sam or Samwell." Smile.

"Sam!" Elyse's little boy cried, holding up platter. "More?! Please!"

"Tom..." Elyse frowned. "Watchman Tarly is busy at his books. Let him be."

"Well, there's plenty more for him in the pot." Sam noted, starting to rise.

"I'll fetch it, sir...Leave it to me." Elyse rose.

"Me. Me. Ma?!" the little girl held up her platter as well.

"Yes, Myrana..." Elyse nodded, stroking her hair. "Wait, patient...There's more, as Goodman Sam says."

She took the boy Tomace's platter over to the large pot bubbling as it hung over the fire and scooped more, returning the platter to the table where the hungry boy sat, eyes eager, then took the girl's platter.

"You like to read? Would you like something from our library?" Sam asked as Elyse set the second platter down by Myrana, sitting by her and helping her take up her spoon.

"I might...In a bit...Have you any of the Oberon Martell poems, by that fellow, the dead one?"

"The Red Viper's poems? I think so..." Sam, switching to confidential whisper... "They're very popular with the younger lads."

"I'm fond of them...Tomace used to read them to me after we'd wed. Even though Mother...That Dirter bitch...Myrana, no fingers! Use the spoon like this!" Elyse urged, taking hold of the girl's hand to take up spoon, guiding food to her mouth.

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